March 30, 2005

Ha ha! I am so giddy!

I just learned 66 verses of matthew, finishing up chapter 27! THAT is the most verses I have ever learned in one sitting, and wow. What an accomplishment to me! HA! I was going to call you (amber) to see if you would listen to me quote, but now it's kind of late.

I'm just laughing at everything, what a perfect day! HAaaAa. Not that I really did anything special. I worked for 9 hours, and when I came home, I decided I should take a short nap before I started doing stuff. So, I asked Kaitie to wake me up in an hour - I was too lazy to set my alarm.
It was an odd experience to have my dad be the one to wake me up instead, especially after the dream I had. Also, it was an hour and fifteen minutes later (kaitie, you slacker! =P). He said something to me and handed me the key to my car. When I got up, I really had no idea what he had said to me. But, I got Kaitie to walk over with me to pick up my car. I bought Kaitie a milk shake at Mcdonalds for her trouble, and we drove back home.

Then I learned 66 verses! HA!


March 29, 2005

Do you ever have a 'pretty' day? Where you just feel pretty? It's sort of a silly feeling, one that makes me want to giggle. And that, of course, leads me to feel even more girlish than before! Well, I'm having one today. I know, I know, I shouldn't be so vain. But, really. Aren't we all allowed to have a bit of esteem for our looks once in a while? Maybe not outloud though. Ha.
It's funny though, because I wonder if I really do look any different from the day before, or if it's all just a psychological thing. Maybe it's because of the rain.

I think a tangent is coming!

I love the rain. I really do. It's so refreshing, and makes doing chores at home so much more pleasant. Except for the danger aspects of driving in the rain, I really do enjoy it. I don't enjoy the traffic or how other people tend to drive though. Mostly, I like the sound of rain on the car.

I guess I just like to sit in my car when it rains. But I also like to revel in the silentness of my windowshield wipers. I don't know why I take so much pride in that. I guess I'm just happy that they don't squeak anymore.

I've been driving my old car, due to some random circumstances that happened the other day, and I had forgotten how much I like it. Sure, the outside is beat up, but I had just gotten new tires, and, as I touched on earlier, new windowshield wipers. The radio works, I have an antenna, and the controls are so much less complicated. Also, it's a stickshift, and there's something about driving a stick that I like too. Who knows, maybe I'm just weird. [/tangent]


Maybe it's a combination of both the rain and what I accomplished today. Maybe it's just that I feel very refreshed because I caught up on sleep and was able to do the things I wanted to do today. A very nice feeling! Actually, getting enough sleep probably did help a little. A lot.

Ah ha. I'm such a doof. On to other subjects!

Around 4 this afternoon, I realized that there was a "mandatory" staff meeting at work, but I couldn't remember if it was 5 or 6, or 5:30. I also realized that I had been in sweat pants for a better part of the day, and hadn't taken a shower yet (ah, the beauty of days off).

So, I did. Then I called and found out that it was at 5:30. I left at 5, and arrived a few moments early. I walked inside, talked to a few people, and then, my boss figured out that I wasn't there to work and asked, "why are you here, becca?"
"For the meeting..."
"Why? The sign said mandatory!"
"yeah, but you didn't have to come. It doesn't really apply to you. Well it does, I mean, no, well, some of it does. But you don't work the counter. Here, take the booklet, but you don't have to be here."

This was both to my surprise and pleasure. I really didn't feel like sitting through a mostly pointless meeting. At least, in regards to me, it would be mostly pointless.

I didn't have anything to do in the area, and I wasn't about to drive all the way home, so I decided to drop in at the library. This is one of my favorite small branches, after all. I have worship practice in a bit more than half n hour, and plenty of books to chose from! And rain! Ah ha!

And yet, I still have more to say. No, I don't. But, I'm going to use my full alloted 30 minutes of computer time, thank you!

I'll give you a memorization update!

I learned the rest of Matthew 26 today! I need to learn 27 and 28 by Friday, although, I hope to have it done by Thursday. That's roughly 85 verses. Wow. But, if I do it (and I'm positive I will), I'll have memorized all of the quizzing material for the year. Finally. Woo.

I took amber to the train station. It was cold and wet, but it wasn't that bad. There were two boys who were being very loud, and unfortunately, they were saying very dumb things or singing very badly. I guess they just couldn't control themselves with two beautiful, rain soaked girls under the same tin roof as them. As amber was getting on the train, I walked down the ramp (as opposed to the stairs) back to the parking lot. I stepped through a very large puddle and my feet were absolutely soaked, so I blasted the floor heat on the way home. There's always some satisfaction in coming home wet though. After I peel the wet socks off, change into some dry clothes and drink some tea or do something in a warm room, it results in a nice feeling.

1 minute to spare!


March 27, 2005

Happy Easter!

And Happy Heidi's birthday!

And Happy becca's half-birthday-eve!

Uppercase H's look stupid. So do uppercase B's, as Becca will agree with me. I think they look pregnant, but becca dislikes them for different reasons - maybe. Or maybe she's over that immature state of her life.


Mom's making soup.

um um um um um

March 26, 2005

This is a test.

Haha, it worked.

Thanks, Tyrone. I had tried to do this earlier, but I didn't realize I had to create a new account to do it.

bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I am SO past that immature time in my life! HA!
(No, it just looks dumb because "ecca" is so small up against "B," I have no problem with using it otherwise. And, capital H's DO NOT look stupid. You're weird. I used to like making captial H's with my body by supporting myself on one arm and one leg and then letting the other two go straight up into the air. That was when I could do the splits though.)

ha, I'm writing about it first!

We did the Psalms marathon today. It took us 5 hours instead of the expected 6.
Which was a pretty accomplishing feeling in itself. I mean, it's 5:55 right now, and I would STILL be reading psalms. Which would be okay, but still.

IT WAS GREAT. Everyone should do it. We should do it again. This summer. I'm sure we will. We should get more people to do it with us too. But, it was very nice doing it in the small group, with people I feel absolutely comfortable with. I liked your Grandmother too. She is very sweet.

It was just a lovely way to spend the day. It was raining, the house was cozy, the tea was hot, the vaseline was bountiful. Aaah. And it's so great just to read THROUGH a book of the bible, all the way. So often I'll hear something in the bible and get 'excited' to read the rest of the book, or read other things about the same subject or something, but most of the time, I don't pursue it with the same enthusiasm. But, when I HAVE to read through the entire thing...sure, I'm not going to get everything I can ever get out of the Bible in one sitting. That's what amazes me the most about the Bible, you can read it and read it, and every time get something new out of it.

But, just reading it all makes me wonder, how can I justify sitting and reading for hours on end a novel or any kind of book (although, this pleasure I haven't had in a while) and yet, I can't read the Bible for more than half n hour - or even less than that - at a time?

Ah. I'm still formulating so many thoughts and am excited to keep studying. There's a certain subject I've been inspired to really search out too.

Ah ha, this was fun amber. BEST FRIEND! aaah! =D



March 25, 2005

"I tried my best to get the tree sap off, really, I did. But, you know, the best way to prevent it from getting on there in the first place is to not park under a tree."

The windshield man came to fix the windshield. He was telling me what he did so I could pass the information on, and he went on forever about how he tried to clean the windshield off, but he couldn't get it all off, because it was really stuck. He kept apologizing for it. It was funny, because our van is so old and dirty anyway. A little sap on the windshield - which is probably a common occurence as it is - was of no concern to me.

I have no amazing thoughts to share. BUT, I'm happy! Too!

And, on our bookshelf, I found a few good books I'm planning on reading next week. I haven't read for pleasure very much recently. It should be nice.


New Member

Hello all you crazy people who read this. I am the newest edition to this here blog. My name is Kaitie but I will most likely sign as Kaits. ok now for the substantial reading material: Yesterday I studied the book of Matthew a lot. I learned 13 verses and then some. I should study more today because I'm way behind. I'm very bored today. Last night I stayed up late waching the swan princess with becca and amber. I love that movie. I really don't have anything more to say in this post so, I leave you with these parting words:
Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you.May the stars shine upon your faces!


Good morning, faithful blog readers! I feel very friendly today. I love adjectives. I love everybody. Yay!

I took Melody to Shari's this morning. It was so great. She had been bugging me ever since I got back to spend time with her, but I just didn't have time. She bugged and bugged and bugged so this morning, before she could bug, I was like "hey, want to go to Shari's?" She was so excited. We had a nice waitress. I had a wonderful cappucino.

I'm trying in earnest to find a job. It's not fun.

I was going to say something amazing, but I didn't have anything to say.

Okay. Um, bye.


March 23, 2005

So, I found out why I got that insanely bad nosebleed on Sunday and why I also got one this morning ( and I never get nosebleeds). The herb feverfew, that's supposed to prevent migraines...I guess it can act as an anticoagulant. Which isn't bad, except that my blood doesn't really need an anticoagulant. I suppose this means I should either stop taking it (which is a shame - I haven't had a migraine in two weeks and it might be because of the herb!) or I should take vitamin K to offset the anticoagulant properties of it. But this could do just weird things to me. It's like taking a blood thinner and a blood thickener at the same time.

I'd kind of like to finish up the feverfew, just to see if it really does prevent migraines, and maybe I'll surreptitiously eat lots of dark green vegetables to trick my body into thinking I'm not really eating vitamin K.

But guess what?! I finished Hebrews 10! Now I can spend the rest of spring break reviewing like crazy, and I'll tackle 11 when I get back to school. I"m so glad. To me, 10 was the biggest hurdle. 11 will take a while because it's long, but I'm pretty familiar with it...and I'm also pretty familiar with 12...and also 13. So it should go fast! My goal: Hebrews by the end of the semester - that is, May 13.

I'm so excited at the thought of finishing. What will I do next? I like to target stuff I already partially know - the "easy stuff" - so I might do Jonah just for the heck of it, since I've already read it at least 100 times this semester for my class and have practically already memorized it. That may be my summer project, unless I'm unable to busy myself more than that so I have to add in a few Pauline epistles. I like saying Pauline epistles. When I say that, I mean the epistles written by Paul, not by Pauline. I don't think Pauline was considered the feminine version of the name Paul at the time that phrase was coined. If indeed it ever was coined...maybe I coined it.

And who coined the phrase "coining the phrase" anyway?


Today I made pancakes for the boys, babysat, and cleaned the old house. It was fun. I'll get paid! MONEY! MWAHAHAHAHAHSHAHAHAHA! hahahaha. MOney. Money money money.

I don't love money, but sometimes when I am about to get some, it can make me very happy.

I got to babysit the boys last night, too, because my sister was sick. It was so fun! I miss them! I was dinking at the piano, and Aidan was coloring in the same room and every once in a while commenting. I was trying to figure out the chords of some song and doing very poorly, so whatever I was playing sounded pretty awful, and I didn't think Aidan was paying attention to my playing until he said "Having problems?" He's eight. It's just a funny thing for an eight year old to say to an eighteen year old playing piano. heehee.

Empty houses with uncarpeted flooring are the best to sing in. Even a person with a not-very-good voice can sound good in a place like that. Minor key songs are especially fun.

Every night there is hammering until 1 am, and I can only wear earplugs if I'm not waking up to an alarm. So far there has only been one night that I haven't had to wake up to an alarm.

My alarm clock while I'm home is my cell phone. Last night I thought, "It's 1 am and I have to wake up at 6. I want to wear earplugs so I can sleep, but then I'll sleep through my alarm. I know! I'll put my cell on vibrate and hold it so the vibration will wake me up."

So I put my cell phone on silent. Except, it wasn't on silent. I mean, I checked the setting and it was on "vibrate only" as usual, but it was beeping and stuff. This is unusual, by the way. Usually my cell phone works. When I say vibrate, it vibrates. When I say jump, it asks how high. When I say shut up, its mouth completely disappears.

So I ended up falling asleep to hammering, not earplugs.

In the morning I woke up to the alarm and hit snooze.

It went off again. I hit snooze again.

The next time it went off, it vibrated. Loud enough to wake me, but it vibrated! Finally, five hours after I had set it to vibrate, it vibrated.

Cell phones! Argh! Why don't they work! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

On a lighter note, I'm going to eat some yogurt.

Then take a nap.

Then memorize like ten more verses of Hebrews 10 and review what I know.

Or review those two.

Or, I might take a shower because holding a squirmy slobbering snotty baby all day does produce a negative effect. I'm one of those people, though, that will let a baby pull my hair, throw up, drool, or chew my elbow - as long as its happy. I like the little guys. Guess I'm a sucker.


March 22, 2005

You're making the week seem to go by quicker!

Today is the first day I've had (when I'm not sick) of being home from work and school in quite a while. Well, I guess that I have a singing final at 1:30, but other than that, I have no obligations today!

I slept in soooo late. wow. I didn't even sleep this much when I was sick last week. I usually can't sleep in this late. How late was it? 10! Of course, I went to bed pretty late. But ha, it's so great getting tons of sleep and not feeling guilty for it. Well, at first I did, because it was 10, but I'm okay with it now.

Jeanie called me and we talked about cyia stuff. I realized that I hadn't actually decided whether I was going to camp or not, and I still haven't. Hmmm. Which reminds me, I need to go look up the dates to see if there's any good reason for me not to go.

I just ate a bagel.

Hmm. What am I going to do today? It's very sunny out.

I think I should clean my car, memorize some more of matthew, clean my room, do some laundry, go for a walk, print out that stuff for lucas, and...whatever I feel like doing, gosh! I should probably pick out what song I'm going to sing for my solo today, too. I wonder if it's supposed to be memorized, hm.

I don't have much to say.

I think I've hung out with amber just about every day since friday.

What did we do? Hm.

Friday night, we didn't do much. I think we just had tea and talked, which was pleasant.
And Saturday night we did nearly the same thing, only it was coffee, dinner, and she quoted most of what she knows of Hebrews.
Sunday I saw her at church a little, but I went to work, and then someone else was over.
Monday night was my favorite so far. It was nice, especially after the day I had of being really tired. But that was my own fault. 4am comes really quickly when you don't go to bed until 1.
But, I took a nap and I was fine, and then she came over. We had coffee, and we memorized/quoted for two hours. It was really great.

I haven't been this motivated to learn scripture in a while. It's so encouraging to have someone else who has the same ultimate goal. It's also nice that we both know how to quote and how to listen to someone quote. I think that's the hardest thing about memorizing - you really need someone to quote to, and it's great when they know how to be helpful in correcting you and stuff. Amber knows.



Yesterday was nice. I woke up and went to the dentist. The hygienist asked me how old I was, and I said "almost eighteen" and she said "we'll do flouride, then." I asked if the cutoff year was 18 for flouride and she said it was. I was like "ack! But I'll be eighteen in like one month..." Flouride is not pleasant, if you've never had it. It's not painful or anything, it's just like...yay, I get to sit with this extremely oversized piece of plastic and goo in my mouth for fifteen minutes while I drool all over the place. It tastes bad, you can't drink water after it, it makes your mouth sore, etc. etc. I told her I've been coming to this same dentist pretty much every year since I started getting teeth. She said I didn't have to do fluoride.

However, I did get an "almost-cavity" filled.

Then I went to Debbi's to hang out there for an hour. I had yogurt and granola.

Then I came home and played computer games all day until, oh, I don't know...and eventually I went to becca's house, where we drank coffee and memorized. We came back and watched SuperNanny on abc - my family had heard about it and wanted to watch it. I thought it was pretty good.

Then I stayed up late playing more computer games because Dad was drilling.

Now I'm up for a doctor's appointment in an hour. No, I don't have any medical problems! I'm just supposed to come back in and tell her if Imitrex worked for my migraines, and if I'm still getting them as often and stuff.

Then I'm going to the eye doctor who will, I hope, prescribe me some glasses very quickly so I can get used to them before going back to school.

Tomorrow and Thursday I'm working for Raedeana all day, Thursday night I go to quiz practice.

Friday I want to have the rest of Hebrews 10 memorized.

Friday night - last music and game night at our house ever! Supposedly more people are coming than ever and it's going to be packed. There's a tradition my mom has of inviting like 40 people, and she worries about having enough room/food/whatever, and then only 15 show. But supposedly tonight all 40 people seem to be planning on coming.

Yes, I know Friday is Good Friday and we're supposed to meditate on Jesus' was kind of an issue - I mean, this is kind of a goodbye thing because my family's moving and a party. Oh well.

Saturday - Psalms Bible Marathon from noon to 6! Come to Amber's grandma's house to participate!

Sunday - church. Finish up Bible Study Methods Assignment and two page Spanish paper about what I did over my spring break.

Monday - pack up! Go home! Take a night train!

AAAA! I don't have anyone to pick me up at the train station! I need to make some phone calls!


March 21, 2005

I would just like to say, becca is the best friend ever ever ever. I love her a lot. She's encouraging and nice, and she's a good friend, and I think she's pretty neat.



March 20, 2005

This will be a rant. I reserve the right to delete it at any later time.

I live in a loud, disgusting, inconsiderate family. I'm sure many people do. I'm just acknowledging that I do too.

The first night I was home, I was so exhausted. Having stayed up late and woken up early finishing assignments all the week before, and having endured a four hour train ride with a dirty-mouthed cell phone user directly behind me the entire time, I was so tired. I went to bed. Sometime around 12:30, I heard what sounded like someone breaking down my door with a pickaxe. Being so tired, it took me about ten minutes of this pickaxe sound for me to wake up. When I did, I realized that it was midnight, and my dad was hammering away at the other side of one of the walls of my room. He was preparing the entryway of our house for some retiling or something before we sell it. Why midnight? Who knows. I put a blanket over my head, and it didn't help. I very wearily stumbled upstairs and whined, "Daaaaaad!" He said, "I'll be done in fifteen minutes."

I went into the bathroom and cried. Partly because it's an emotional time of the month anyway, but probably mostly because I was still half asleep and I was so confused about all the loud noises.

Half an hour later, when he'd finished, I don't know what I was thinking, but I went up and said, "I'm really sleep deprived and you woke me up, and you should at least apologize" or something like that. I got yelled at, which is what I would have expected if I had been fully awake. So then I cried some more.

So, it was a little after 1 when I finally got to bed.

At 5 am, I woke up for some reason and heard the computer in the next room (this keyboard is really loud). Heidi was up. She'd been up the whole night, which meant the sound had been continuing the whole night, but it had only now woken me up. Guess my body decided I'd had enough sleep.

That whole day I was fatigued, obviously.

Then that night (I'm going to break the rules of female silence on this subject) it became that particular time of the month which is never very pleasant. It always makes me really tired, but the pain is so bad I can't sleep. So I was like that until maybe 1. Then I had to wake up for church at 7.

So now, tonight, Sunday night, I'm thinking, this is the night. This is the night where I will sleep. So I got into my pajamas, I turned out the light...I almost got in bed, and I heard the drill in the garage, right next to my room. I asked Dad when he'd be done drilling and he said "Maybe in an hour". That was half an hour ago. Except, I just heard him hammering again. I could just see it - "I told you I'd stop drilling in an hour, not hammering on your wall - I'll stop hammering on your wall in 2 1/2 hours.)

I decided to play piano to pass the time, because piano helps me forget how tired I am. My sister stumbled downstairs and was liek "Amber, you woke me up. Your piano is louder than Dad's drilling." That's utterly ridiculous. Her room isn't next to the garage like mine is, so she can't even hear it.

You know, she is a spoiled brat. I love my mom, but she lets Heidi get away with everything. I'm serious, that girl stays on the computer from approximately 10 pm to 6 am nearly every night. The next day, she's "sick" and sleeps all day. Then she complains about how busy she is and how she doesn't have time for her schoolwork.

She's constantly waking me up. Her music wakes me up. She sings too loud and plays guitar too loud. She talks too loud. She types too loud and too often. It's about time she experienced me waking her up.

I want to go back to school forever and take just my mom with me.


I'm home!

I've decided never to take the train at noon again if I can help it. The ride was unbearable. The cars were full. The movie was stupid. We were delayed twice, totalling an hour of lateness - once because we were stuck behind a freight train, and a second time because we were about to go into a tunnel but there was a freight train coming south toward us, and we had to wait for it to go through.

I'm driving barefoot for the next week. I'm not sure if it's illegal or not. Why am I barefoot? Because I forgot to bring tennis shoes, only sandals. I didn't think sandals would be a problem until I tried driving in them, and quickly realized that barefoot was much safer. So.

And it's not really barefoot - I wear socks at all times.

I have had good days and sleepless nights, all for various reasons which I don't really care to discuss.

As becca knows, because I've been advertising it widely because I think it's cool, I had a nosebleed today at church. Why is it cool? Because I've never had one so bad! I was leaning over the garbage can for like five minutes, just watching blood gush out my nose. And nosebleeds usually don't hurt, and this one didn't, so it was just like "woah, look at that blood. Woah, I feel dizzy. Woah...lots of blood. Blood! Blood!" I think it made me kind of loopy. Anyway, that's all you'll hear of it, becca. I bet you're rolling your eyes now.

My parents want me to sell a bunch of stuff on Ebay. Since we're moving, there's all this stuff that would normally go in a moving sale, but they want me to sell it instead. Anyway, I'm not eighteen so I can't register to sell on ebay, but I'll probably do it this summer. One more month and I'll be eighteen! Hahaha.

Last night I had a great supper at the Merkers'. I quoted to becca. We're getting together tomorrow night to study. We watched Napoleon Dynamite - it wasn't any better the second time, unfortunately. I think the great thing about that movie is the quotes - it has the greatest quotes ever, and they spread like wildfire, and everyone on earth quotes them - and they're the only funny thing about the whole movie. There's maybe like five of them. Here are my favorite parts/quotes:

"Your mom goes to college."
Whatever that line was..."Are you drinking one-percent because you think you're fat? Because you could totally drink whole."
The "skit".

Yep, five. Five things in the entire movie that are remotely funny. Not really worth watching for five funny things that you could just quote at any time, right?

I'm going to be busy this week, unfortunately. But I guess it doesn't really matter, as long as I'm having fun. I can't wait to get glasses. I wonder what day I'm seeing the eye doctor. Being home, I'm visiting my real doctor for the migraines, and the dentist for my yearly teeth cleaning thing, and the eye doctor for glasses. I don't really have any medical problems though, except maybe the migraines but I'm starting to be able to just deal with them. And my nails grow faster than I want them to, but that's not really a medical problem, that's just me being really lazy because I hate cutting my nails and for a while I did it once a week on Tuesday nights but then I went to college. Your mom goes to college.

becca and I were laughing at how everyone says the line like, "Your MOM goes to college" when it isn't said that way in the movie at all. In the movie, it's just this random "your mom goes to college" high monotone thing said by...Kip. Is that the geeky brother?

Everyone on that movie really irritates me. I hate them. I just decided that.

Is there anything else to say?


March 16, 2005

Here's my french short story! I originally wrote it for my final, but my instructor said it was too long, so most of it has gone to waste. Still, I enjoyed writing it!

Philipe et ses nouvelles chaussures par becca

Philipe habite à Paris avec sa Tante Jeanette.
Philipe a cinq ans. Il a les courts cheveux marron et les yeux bleus.
Il aime danser à la musique.
Il est très amusant, mais il porte les vieilles chaussures.

Un jour, Philip dit à son Tante Jeanette, “Tante, j’ai besoin des nouvelles chaussures. Mes chaussures ne sont pas très bien. Elles ont des trous!” Tante Jeanette rit à son neveu.

Philipe est confus et dit, “Il n’ya pas de quoi rire! Je suis sèrieux! Je n’aime pas mes chaussures! Je ne danse pas dans eux."
Tante Jeanette dit, “Oh, pardon Monsieur Philipe! Aujourd’hui nous allons acheter pour toi des nouvelles chaussures à la boutique. Moi, je n’aime pas ton chaussures, non plus.” Philipe sourit à Tante Jeanette et dit, “Merci, Merci beaucoup! Des nouvelles chaussures!”

Tante-Jeanette et Philipe arrive à la boutique. Elle est calme et en order. Il y a une employe. Elle a des bons vêtements. Elle porte un tailleur gris et des chaussures gris. Elle a l’air très professionelle. La employe dit à ils, “Bonjour Madame! Bonjour petit Monsieur!”

Tante-Jeanette dit, “Bonjour Mademoiselle! Nous avons envie des chaussures pour mon neveu. Ses chaussures sont très mal. Montrez-vous des bonnes chaussures à mon neveu, Philipe.” Philipe aime beaucoup le couleur bleu. Alors, ils achètent les chaussures bleues. Philipe aime danser dans les nouvelles chaussures. Il danse très drôle, mais il est très heureux.


March 15, 2005

I don't know why I'm posting either - I don't even like the keyboards at this library.

I haven't been at the fairwood library in quite a while.

I really dislike floppy drives. argh! I have some helpful guitar-learning tools in a word document on our old computer, and I told someone I would print the papers out for them. Unfortunately, my never-before-used floppy disk isn't being detected by the floppy drive on this computer. I guess I'll try another computer. Or, I'll zip them to my mom's laptop at some point in time. I'm so lazy.

The true reason I came here is to study though. I decided I would get too distracted at home - and the library has much nicer windows and desks to be around. It's nice and quiet here today, which is a bonus. Usually I don't come here because I've always known it to be loud.

Kaitie let me use her card. I have such a large fine on my library card that I can't use it for anything anymore. I plan on paying it off after I get my pay check though. I can't believe I let it get so large, I don't think I've ever been blocked before.

AMBER! Did you get my message? :P

I was going to tell you something, but I think I'll leave it a surprise. In fact, I'm not going to tell you anything about it (beyond this) until you're going back to Oregon. Bwa ha ha haaa.

I feel like the happiest person in the world right now! Seriously! I can't even contain myself, and I have no really real reason for today being better than any other. It just IS! Ha ha ha.

Even though at times my life can get "boring" or "uninteresting," I really do like my life, and just because it's a little routine at times, doesn't mean it's monotonous. I get new experiences every day! I love school, I love my job, I love all the wonderful people I know, and I love meeting more people, and doing more new things. I love my "loud, obnoxious" family.

But, I realized today, that even though I talk to people and go, "things are the same as when we talked last. Yes, I know my life isn't as exciting as yours, don't worry," but I really like that regularity; that familiarity of people and things close to me. At the same time, I really am looking forward to doing new stuff next year. I want to learn so much, and God has given me all the time in the world to learn it. Not to mention all the everlasting time in heaven to keep becoming who he wants me to truly be.

Ah, it's great to be able to just relax, take things slow, and enjoy life. I'm sure that's more how God intended it to be. I miss out on being as happy as I can be when I get all caught up in things that aren't important afterward (and really weren't all that important beforehand, either).


I really cannot stop laughing or smiling. =D!

silly girl!


I don't know why I'm posting...I have class in twenty minutes...I have lots of homework..I'm just rambling, really.

I finished memorizing Hebrews 9! It took me forever, too. It was basically my goal for the week. I purposely set a small goal - the second half of Hebrews 9 before Friday - because I knew I'd have so much to do it would be hectic. But I did it! And on Tuesday, no less!

I found a ride to the train station, too. My last class on Friday gets out at 12. My train leaves at 12:30.

I don't like David Crowder that much.

It is sunny but not exceptionally warm.

I had tea today.

I got to sit on the floor through two of my classes today.

I had at least two good conversations with people today.

I hope soon I'll stop reviewing the rescue breathing/CPR process in my head every night and constantly looking around for unconscious people to practice my new skills on.

Okay, David Crowder. I don't know if I can "judge" his songs, but the words never seem to inspire anything in me. Like, it's nice to repeat "there is no one like you, there has never been anyone like you" fifty times and know that it's directed toward's nice...I guess. It's not scriptural, which is not necessarily bad, but it just doesn't help me to worship God. When I talk to God, I don't repeat "there is no one like you" fifty times. The songs might be pleasant sounding to some, but they don't assist me in worshipping God, which is what worship songs are meant to do.

Of course, it might just be a problem with me, which is why I can't "judge" his songs. I can pretty much only say "they don't help me worship and that's why I don't like them" but I can't say "they don't help anybody to worship." So there you go. If you like David Crowder, great!

Then there's his version of "All Creatures of Our God and King" which I have absolutely no problem with, since he didn't even write the words to it. I mean, it's straight from one of my favorite hymns.

I should go to class early or's like I have this policy of not doing homework before my afternoon classes are done!


March 14, 2005

REEALLY? You want to do the Psalms marathon?! I had completely decided not to do it, because it would mean planning and stuff! But I'll call Mom tomorrow. It's kind of short notice for people would probably have to be on a Saturday, which would mean either Saturday the 19th or the 26th. Considering we're having a music/game night on Friday the 25th, I can imagine it would be kind of irritating for some people, especially Maruchecks who have to drive like half an hour, to stay up late at our house and then twelve hours later come over again.

I wish we could do it on the day of the game night 25th. It would be so much simpler that way. But people work.

So! You have to tell me what day works best for you. It will, I'm told, take six hours.

And even if it's just you and me, it'll be fun. We could get Kaitie and Heidi involved too, probably. Make it a girls thing. And our moms! Now that would be fun!

Guess what? I seriously have every single major thing that could be due in every single class due this week, which means I'll have basically nothing to do over spring break!

I bought my train ticket yesterday!

I signed up for Amtrak Guest Rewards. After I travel a certain amount, I can get a certain number of points and use them for "rewards" like gift certificates or magazine subscriptions or movie tickets...or free travel, which will definitely be my first choice.

I need to arrange a ride to the train station...I meant to do it today but I forgot. The train leaves at 12:30 - my last class gets out at 12. I'll definitely be cutting it close...I hate that. Oh well. I'll be back in time for Tessa's party!


I received a postcard from amber today! Even though she doesn't "like postcards," and she claims the only reason she's sending them is because she doesn't like them and she's "trying to get rid of them," I LIKE THEM. There, I said it.

I don't think they can be all that bad if they can make someones day better. My day was already going pretty good, I mean, there was no reason it shouldn't be good. I was feeling so much better, I was happy, I was still happy because I had had a fun weekend too. Actually, today was just an overwhelmingly happy day! BUT! When I got home from work, it was nice to get a postcard! SO, I like postcards, and if it causes her to send them to me (because that causes me to know that she is, in fact, still thinking of me, and still my friend), then I like the fact that she doesn't like them. But I don't think they're as useless as she does.

We'll never agree on that matter though.

Hey, I'm excited to see you, amber! We haven't even talked! Like, usually we have this list of things we're going to do by now!

I'll start a list.

1.) drink tea

2.) visit the seattle library

3.) drink more tea

4.) Have a pslams(are we going to get other people to come?) marathon - I really do want to do it. I was just sick when you mentioned it and everything was bleh to me. FORGIVE ME! :D

5.) drink even more tea

6.) watch some movies (like all the good ones that we knew a month ago were coming out about this time)

That's all I got for now. That's a fairly respectable sized list though. I think we can accomplish it quite easily. Unless you disagree about something on it. DO YOU? huh? Do you think you can make a better list than me? HMM?

I have plenty of other things to say, but, that's it! I need to go study.


March 12, 2005

Well, I went and got my Red Cross first aid and infant/child cpr certification today. It was very interesting. I had a good instructor, I think. There were nine of us in the class, and a lot of the adults really grated on my nerves after the first four hours. They'd interrupt the teacher to put in their own two cents constantly, and constantly break in and tell their own stories of something only remotely related to what we were talking about, and pretty much waste class time. Several of them would get into conversations/arguments about what to do in some improbable situation, and the rest of us would sit back and roll our eyes and try not to scream. There was one point when I came very close to blowing up, and it took a phenomenal amount of self control not to tell the lady next to me, "Look, we're here to learn from the instructor, and the sooner he can resume teaching, the sooner we can get our certificates and go. Will you please shut up!"

There was a vending machine room there. It was pretty cool. The size of my dorm room, there were probably ten vending machines in it. I was wandering around looking for some place in the building to buy coffee, and a lady asked if she could help me, and I said "I'm looking for a cup of coffee" and she directed me to this, the vending machine room.

By the time I reached the coffee vending machine, I knew it was vital that I get coffee quickly so I'd be alert enough to get through the class till lunch. I put a five dollar bill in, and the machine didn't take it. I put it in again, and this time it took it. Did not notice that the machine only accepted $1 bills. Noticed that the cup of coffee I got costed a dollar. Did not notice that I did not receive change. Took my coffee and downed it in one gulp. It actually wasn't half bad.

Later that day the same thing happened, except by this time I was awake enough to realize that when the machine ate my other $5 bill, it had eaten my $5 bill. Took my coffee and marched up to the front desk, told them what had happened, filled out a form, and received back my four dollars.

Of course, the whole time I was kicking myself in the head for not realizing the first time that I had lost four dollars. But at that time I honestly wasn't awake to realize it.

We got out of the class around 4, so it only ended up lasting 7 1/2 hours. Took a while to get picked up so I got back to campus close to 5. For some reason my blood sugar was lower than I have allowed it to get in a long time - I could hardly walk, I was shaking, I was tired and hungry, and I basically felt awful. Of course I didn't realize it for a while since it's been so long since I've let it get low. It was ten minutes before dinner and I was sitting on the floor of my room scarfing Cheez-Its until the cafeteria opened and Jessica was like "Guess what? There's a big plate of chocolate in the lounge left over from last night!" And I was like "SUGAR! I need some! Now!" and she was like "Dinner's in five minutes!" And I said, "I don't care!" And I ate two pieces of chocolate and more Cheez-Its. Then I went to the cafeteria and ate two big pieces of chicken and three cookies and an orange. Then I completely started fading and barely made it back to my room before collapsing on my bed and falling asleep for 2 1/2 hours. Now I'm awake. Hungry again, since I ate three hours ago.

I guess I never realized before how much I depended on my 2:30-3:00 snack, is all. Kind of scary. I haven't gotten all weird like that for a while.

I made some tea and it's getting cold!


March 11, 2005

Poor becca.

I'm having a good day. Next week I have titled "The Week From Hell" because I have three papers, three tests, and a speech. But I think I'll do fine, I've basically planned everything out by days so I'll get it done.

A certain guy and I have been trying to start up a Bible memorization group ever since mid-last semester. We finally discussed it today, and we were talking about how we feel like complete nerds for spending so much time memorizing the Bible. He had this idea that we ought to call ourselves "The Bible Nerds" once we get a group started. It'll be great. I know three people who are interested in doing it, and he knows a few people too, so we'll get the group together this semester but we'll really start fall semester. I'm pretty excited about it.

I'm halfway through Hebrews 9...I don't know if I can finish the book by the end of the semester, which was my goal originally. Oh well. I can try.


It's nice to be getting better and not worse. Last night, I woke up at 1am (actually, I had woken up several times during the night, but I got up at 1), because I could hardly breathe. My nose was super stuffy and my throat hurt a lot. So, I got up and made myself some tea. I drank about three sips of it, sniffed in the steam, fell down on my pillow, and didn't wake up until my alarm went off at 6:23.

I went to school. French class, actually. I had to leave a few times to blow my nose, but the girl who was sitting next to me - and who happened to be my dialogue partner for the day - was very nice about it.

Then I went to work. I agreed to come in for a few hours, because they desperately needed the help. This was a pretty bad week to get sick, as far as work goes. We had TONS of special orders, and the main baker is on vacation. I have to go in tomorrow, too. But that's good, because I lost a lot of hours being sick and stuff.

Now I'm back at school! Just one more class - biology. Tonight should be pretty easy though, and I actually had some fun doing my prelabs last night. I swear the only reason I have an okay grade in this class is because of the lab time. I do just about perfect on those every time. If we could take the tests after we had our lab, I'd probably do better on those too. I always understand what we're learning WAY better after the lab time. A lot of the time just reading the text book goes in one ear and out the other. It makes sense after applying what I've read, or going "oh, yeah, I remember reading something about that..." then going back and reading it in the context of what I'm doing with it.

SO MUCH SENSE! That will be in my class evaluation.

I'm writing a short french story for my causerie (french speech, final thing).

I think it's going to be called, "Jean-Claudes et ses nouvelles chaussures." Which means, "Jean-Claudes and his new shoes"

I think I need to review that part about adjectives prior to the noun. Maybe I'll choose a different name. Maybe it'll be about something else too...but I had some fun ideas for a shoes story. hmm.

It's so pretty out today! I reeeeaaally hope I get out of biology early!

My shirt has flour all over it.

I forgot a change of clothes, so now I'm all messy.

Ah, who could be upset about something like that today? I'm feeling so much better!!!!

But my jaw hurts...a lot. My dentists seems to think it's wisdom teeth related. I hope that's all it is. I have to call the jaw people today. duh da duh da.


March 10, 2005

Apparently I don't have tuberculosis, except I already knew that - I just had to get the test done for the job I want to get. I have a nice bruise on my arm though.

This Saturday I do my Infant CPR, Child CPR, and First Aid training all day. Should be good, if exhausting.

I need glasses. I always assumed that when I couldn't see things, nobody else could either, so I didn't really know until I tried on a friend's glasses and I was like..woah, I can see so much better. I'm nearsighted. This would explain why I always panic when I am driving somewhere I've never been, because by the time I see the sign that says I need to turn there, it's too late to turn. The whole time I'm straining to see the sign as I approach it, and then by the time I can read it, it's too late.

Anyway, I've always thought glasses would make me look dumb, and maybe they will, but I'll be able to see!

I have been kind of cleaning/organizing today, but I feel really really non-energetic and slightly ill right now. Started sneezing a lot. Today I've heard about ten random people talking about their allergies all of a sudden, so I'm pretty sure this is like officially the first day of spring. All sunny like it has been, and stuff.

Oh, hey, I should put up the pictures of Mount St. Helens I took when it was erupting the other day.


March 05, 2005

Amber! you know what? You can call me and quote to me anytime(I might not be able to listen any time, but you can still call)! That is, if I can trust you not to cheat and just read it to me. :P

I think I will (memorize hebrews again)! But, first I want to re-learn 1st and 2nd Peter. There have been so many times this year when I've wanted to remember something from it, but I couldn't quite figure it out or something, and I didn't have a bible on hand.

Memorizing stuff is amazing! I'm just going to go ahead and give my 41 cents (figure that one out, eh) on the subject.
In quizzing, there are several people who memorize TONS of stuff (like, the entire book of matthew), and it still amazes me, even though I do it too.

Amber and I were talking about this earlier today, and I'll say it again: the gift of memorization is amazing! It's not just something that some people can do, and some people can't, that's something God GAVE to everyone, and I'm blown away by it. Especially when I look back and see how much I've memorized in quizzing, or when I was in Awana.
God called some to be evangelists, some to be missionaries, some to be encouragers, and so on, but I don't think he called just some to memorize scripture, and some to say that they can't do it.

I think it's true that a lot of people have the pretense that it's kind of nerdy to memorize scripture, too. At least, I thought that at first. Maybe that's another reason the value of it is overlooked.

I know we don't all have the ability to learn it quickly. There are people who have a hard time remembering stuff. At the last quiz meet, a lot of conversations came up about study time between I and a few good quizzers. I generally learn a 30ish verse chapter in half n hour. Someone told me that it takes much longer for him, but he still learns it, even though it's difficult, or more time consuming for him. It's something you have to see through to the end for it to be beneficial at all, but it's amazing how much more sense the bible makes when it's memorized. Because then you don't just know what it means, you know it.

As Christians, we're called to study God's word, and the more knowledgeable about it we become, the more we'll grow in the Lord, and how much more will we be able to witness? I think about how I look at people who are agnostic, or maybe some false religion and they aren't able to convince me of the truth of their god (or lack there of). Won't people look at us in the same way? Don't we need to know what we're talking about? I don't think I've thought about that enough to really go off on it at all, so I'm not going to. I'll only get lost in my newly forming thoughts and say something that doesn't really make sense to anyone but me, and may be taken in some weird way that I wouldn't even expect. It was just a thought that came to me now.

But, I know that we're called to be witnesses, and our witness can only be improved by knowing the word of God by heart.

I can relate with amber! I thought hebrews would be absolutely impossible to learn because it was all about the old testament and didn't make any sense as is. I was surprised to find it the opposite. The bible has such great writing too, the words flow so well! I think that's a big part of memorizing, the wording has to flow. I've noticed with some monologues and skits I've been in, they weren't always easy to learn because of the way they were written. But, yo! The bible flows.

Hebrews is such an amazing book. I was so excited to keep learning the chapters because the pieces were coming together and I couldn't wait to find out what point was going to be made next. It probably also helped that I like essays so much. Hebrews is like a big essay, and, maybe it's ridiculous, but I've always loved writing and reading essays.

I'm always surprise too, that when people get out of quizzing, they're so relieved that they no longer need to memorize scripture anymore. I know I'll be relieved by the fact that I don't have to commit to all the quiz meets, and even more so, that I don't have to be confined to some pushing schedule. Sometimes it's really hard to learn all that stuff in just a matter of weeks - at least with work and school going on at the same time. When I'm done with quizzing, I"ll have the freedom to memorize what I want, and do it in my own time frame, and that seems so great!

Bible Quizzing is a wonderful program, by the way. I would nevr have realized that I could do all this if it weren't for that program, so everyone who has a chance should be involved in it at least one year!

I think I'm done on that subject for now.

I played tennis today with kaitie. I haven't played in a while. I won the game too! mwa ha. Then we went to WAL*MART because I needed to get some notebooks and shirts for work. The latter was a little hard to find. I wanted to get the cheap three packs of shirts they sell in the mens department, but at first I could only find them in Large and Extra Large. I had to look on the bottom shelf aaaaalllll the way in the back before I found any Smalls. They're still big, but that's okay, because I like big shirts, and they serve the purpose.

Today I came across my Chopin Mazurkas book which I completely forgot I had! I'm all re-excited to play from it now! I think I learned only one song in there, and then I got all of those music books for Christmas and my Italien Arias book for school, that I got a little sidetracked and forgot (perish the thought) about Chopin.

I'm all registered for school! I also had to drop $96 that I hadn't considered before. I have nooo extra money. But, I do get to take English 253 (Creative Non-fiction writing), Botany 120 (Mycology - the study of fungi), aaaaand American studies 103 (American art and architecture - mainly focusing on architecture). Ah, it should be a fun quarter! I think it's 16 credits. Yes, I'm sure of it. I almost went for 21, because I wanted to take a nutrition class as well, but I decided that would be too many credits for a "fun" quarter.

Man. Today has been the most perfect Saturday! REALLY! I slept in, I wasted time, I played tennis, I cleaned my room, and I still have the night ahead of me. I think I'm going to catch up on Biology because I can, and it would be really great to get ahead in that class.

ha, only two more weeks of school! And, I don't have to work tomorrow! woo!

Hey, this is almost like an amber post!


March 04, 2005

Want to know something weird? No? Too bad.

Considering I've grown up in a Christian home, attending church, reading my Bible....

Considering I spent a school year studying, reading, and memorizing Hebrews, and being tested on what of it I knew at least once a week...

Considering that during this school year I have kept having to rememorize what I learned last year of Hebrews so I won't forget it...

You might think it odd that just now, my third or fourth time rememorizing this material, I think I'm finally "getting" the point of Hebrews.

A good deal of why I'm getting it is because of what I'm learning in Bible Study Methods.

Don't ask me what the point is, I can't explain it yet, and I don't know if I ever can. I'm just excited that it's starting to make sense, and here, eight chapters into the book, I'm finally memorizing ideas, not just words.

I remember starting to memorize Hebrews at the beginning of that quizzing year. I was so frustrated. The wording was difficult ("So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs") and after expending much energy on trying to get the point of the chapter, I always found myself confused and disappointed. The whole book of Hebrews seemed full of completely unrelated ideas. I think that's part of the reason I didn't do as well that year as I did when we memorized, say, 1 and 2 Corinthians, or Galatians/Ephesians/Philippians/Colossians. Those were Pauline, those were easy. Hebrews just didn't make sense to me, and I wasn't motivated to memorize it for that reason.

Except, I'm just admitting it now. Now that I'm motivated to memorize it because it does make sense. It's a great feeling, to have spent hours and hours on something and wondered if it would ever be worthwhile at all, but through sheer determination pushing toward the end, with faith that somehow this will be beneficial in the future, and suddenly you are benefited. And, poof! You also have the motivation you need to get through the last few chapters.

After memorizing Hebrews, it will be so much easier to read Isaiah!

I'm super excited.

I just wish random people would also get excited about things like this. I know becca would, and that's because she memorizes too. And I'll bet after she gets out of quizzing, she goes back and rememorizes Hebrews too.

You can't really know the joy of memorizing till you've done it, really, and experienced the hours of effort and brainpower that go into it. But if someone encourages you, and you're motivated, then you can put in the time, and the effort, and "reap the benefits." I sound like a commercial.

On another note, my roommate is gone for the weekend. I'm rather lonely. I'm tempted to take her "The Complete Novels of Jane Austen" book and stay up all night reading. She has other good books too. Except, I have good books, too...there are too many books, they drive me nuts, I hate them.

Or maybe I'll start on Hebrews 9...

Homework is out of the question. It's only 10 on Friday night!

I just had a cup-a-noodles and a cup-a-tea and a feverfew pill, which is an herb that was suggested to me by someone to take to prevent migraines. I've been taking it for a week and a day now and no migraine, but it hasn't been long enough to tell whether it's been effective yet or not, really. A week without a migraine is somewhat normal. Two weeks are a happy thing. Three weeks are somewhat unheard of. Four would be a miracle. I have sixty pills, and at two a day that's thirty days, which is roughly four weeks. So, I'll take them till then, and if I don't get a migraine for a whole month, I will definitely be able to say it's because of the pills. A whole month without a migraine is something I haven't experienced for...a year and a half, probably!

Why am I typing so much? I'm just a computer hog. Haha, there's no one around to hog it from! Actually I'm bored; could you not tell? I want to quote to someone to see if I memorized 7 and 8 correctly. It does get tiring saying the same chapters to yourself. But I don't like just going around asking to quote to people because that's kind of like saying "ooh, look at me, I memorize the Bible" and I hate it when people think that. On the other hand, it helps so much to have someone there with a Bible who can correct your wording and stuff. So, I pick a select few close friends, endure the initial "you're amazing/insane"s, and proceed to quote to them and only to them.

I want to see pictures of Heidi's hair! I'll bet she's still up. I'm going to call her and bug her.


Hi, becca! I am so going to call you this weekend. Tomorrow, in fact, when my minutes are free.

The real reason I'm posting (=P) is to gripe about people's misconceptions about scripture memorization.

Misconception #1: "It's hard." - That's not true. It just takes time. Another common one I've heard from this category: "I can't memorize! I can't remember anything!" It just takes time!

Misconception #2: "People who memorize large amounts of scripture are really spiritual. I'm not that spiritual." - I can't tell you how frustrating it is when I'm trying to memorize scripture, and the best way to do it correctly is to quote to someone else so they can correct you, and all the person can say is "Wow, you're amazing!" First, I'm not! People seem to think that a person who memorizes a lot 1) is a good memorizer, and 2) has an impeccable spiritual life. In other words, a person must be really in tune with God if they are memorizing so much of what he said Second, anyone can memorize. Everyone does memorize things like names and stuff. Scripture memorization just takes time.

Misconception #3: "Aren't memory verses for children's Sunday school?" - Ugh. ugh, ugh, ugh. I just was searching online for a scripture memory program, and everything was like "use these memory verse cards in your children's sunday school program, because it's important for kids to know the word of God!" Here's a quote from a favorite prof here: "We treat the Bible as an encyclopedia of pithy quotations and devotional fragments." It's true! We take certain verses out of context, glorify them, and make sure every child memorizes them so they can "have God's word in their hearts." Now tell me, if those few verses by themselves can summarize the Bible, why do we have the Bible?

And then, as adults, we are praised if we read the Bible maybe once total. Here's a book that we claim is the word of God, and yet we rarely even read it. We try to get on "read the Bible in a year" programs which fail and then we feel like we've failed. We forget to read our Bible, and then we feel sad because we know it is right to read the Bible and we have not done right. Stupid! My dad said Dr. Mitchell, a foundational professor in the life of this school, a man who knew his Bible, used to tell his students, "You don't know the Bible really well until you've read it at least 50 times." I heard that if you read the Bible for 45 minutes a day, you'll get through it three times in a year.

Anyway, back to scripture memorization. Where did we get the idea that it was for kids? Shouldn't we memorize more now that we are adults? Here's a verse from Hebrews that may kind of illustrate what I'm saying. Typed from memory, by the way.

"Though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil."

So, memorizing verses in Sunday school as a child is good - but basically the only thing it does is try to show the importance of memorizing God's word, without really memorizing. It's milk. When are you going to be ready for solid food?


March 03, 2005

ha, today I had off from school! I love feeling like I'm lazying around all day, and yet looking back and seeing that I've actually gotten quite a bit done.

For instance, I made my bed.

And, I drank some water.

I also put my books away. AFTER doing all my homework. bwa ha ha. Actually, I still have a bit to do, but I slept in so late (8:45! WOO!), that I think I'll be up late tonight anyway, so I'll just get most of it done then.

hey, I'm makin' dinner tonight. I'm going to go make a good salad. I like making salads...that are better than the ones at work (that = with way less mayonnaise.)

I don't have anything interesting to say! I have things to say, sure, but I don't really feel like saying it right now. I just thought that I should post something.
