April 08, 2006

I have been having so many dreams lately! But they aren't really individual dreams. Each night I dream the entire night, and if I was able to write out everything that happened in each dream I'd have a novel by morning. I'm serious!

These dreams are annoying, mainly because I wake up many times during the night from something I dreamed that was frightening or startling. Also, I don't know anything about levels of sleep, but I suspect I'm not getting very deep sleep. I'm receiving the hours I need, but I'm starting to fall back into my "required nap-a-day" pattern. Last night was particularly bad. I just woke up from it.

It's 9:21 now, and I went to bed last night at 10:30. So, I've had...uh, a LOT of sleep. But I was awake from 4 am to 5 am.

I hate "mindless task" dreams, like in Phantom Tollbooth, where they each had a mission. One person's job was to move an entire mountain of sand to another spot, using tweezers, and only moving one grain at a time. Another had to move a well of water using only an eye dropper. There was another, but I can't remember. They were in this valley of horrible creatures and things, and I remember the main thing in this valley was that nothing ever got resolved. The dog, Tock I think his name was, constantly barked at things that weren't there. Another creature made a pun out of everything Milo said so he couldn't really say anything.

I need to read that again.

But I have dreams like that all the time! I have a job to do, and when I wake up I can't quite remember what the job is. But the job is always something very specific, and by the time I finish it, someone's saying, "No, you did it all wrong. We wanted the one with the yellow stripe, not the blue." And I have to start all over, and by the time i finish that they say "No, this won't do. We need something different." Wasted effort, over and over and over and over again. In The Phantom Tollbooth, Milo and the other creatures did their tasks for thousands of years without realizing what was going on. I never understood that. Why didn't they stop during the first five minutes? Didn't they see how futile this was? And then suddenly they stopped and said, "What are we doing? Gosh, we're idiots. Let's get out of here." Then they rescue the princesses. (I know this sounds like another weird dream of mine, and The Phantom Tollbooth is kind of like somebody's weird dream, but it's a wonderful book.)

When I wake up from a "wasted effort" dream, I feel completely drained and tired. I haven't had a true nightmare for a couple years. But this kind of dream is the absolute worst. Does anyone else have dreams like this?

Last night I worked slightly over three hours and I made over 6 dollars in tips. That's not amazing for someone who does waitressing, but for me it's like, I made 2 dollars per hour more last night than normally. I work today, too. For eight hours. But I have two hours of free time before then.

Better get moving!

gbxbgba (because the first time I left the window open too long and the word changed)


At 8:51 PM, Blogger tyrone said...

In a way, I used to.  It would either be like I had just gotten up, and still had sleep in my eyes, and everything would be so bright I couldn't see.  Except it would stay that way for subjective hours.  And other times, I'd be some kind of agent or something, and I'd be chasing or running from something, and I wouldn't be able to move freely.  If I tried to punch a bad guy, my arm would slow down, and I'd barely push him.

So not exactly the same, but similar in feeling useless in the process.  I guess.  Though I don't think I ever woke up feeling effected in any way.

When I was fairly young, I had a recurring dream where I'd be on a skateboard in a park going on a walk with my mother, and there was this gazebo thing with some glass panels.  I'd do some skateboard trick and shatter some of the glass, and then my mother would start to die, since the gazebo was a physical manifestation of her body.  (With organs hanging in it or something like that.)  Wow, that really is odd.  Almost as strange as wqhbw.

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Kaits said...

I was telling my mom about the phantom tollbooth the other day. I should read it again too.



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