March 20, 2005

I'm home!

I've decided never to take the train at noon again if I can help it. The ride was unbearable. The cars were full. The movie was stupid. We were delayed twice, totalling an hour of lateness - once because we were stuck behind a freight train, and a second time because we were about to go into a tunnel but there was a freight train coming south toward us, and we had to wait for it to go through.

I'm driving barefoot for the next week. I'm not sure if it's illegal or not. Why am I barefoot? Because I forgot to bring tennis shoes, only sandals. I didn't think sandals would be a problem until I tried driving in them, and quickly realized that barefoot was much safer. So.

And it's not really barefoot - I wear socks at all times.

I have had good days and sleepless nights, all for various reasons which I don't really care to discuss.

As becca knows, because I've been advertising it widely because I think it's cool, I had a nosebleed today at church. Why is it cool? Because I've never had one so bad! I was leaning over the garbage can for like five minutes, just watching blood gush out my nose. And nosebleeds usually don't hurt, and this one didn't, so it was just like "woah, look at that blood. Woah, I feel dizzy. Woah...lots of blood. Blood! Blood!" I think it made me kind of loopy. Anyway, that's all you'll hear of it, becca. I bet you're rolling your eyes now.

My parents want me to sell a bunch of stuff on Ebay. Since we're moving, there's all this stuff that would normally go in a moving sale, but they want me to sell it instead. Anyway, I'm not eighteen so I can't register to sell on ebay, but I'll probably do it this summer. One more month and I'll be eighteen! Hahaha.

Last night I had a great supper at the Merkers'. I quoted to becca. We're getting together tomorrow night to study. We watched Napoleon Dynamite - it wasn't any better the second time, unfortunately. I think the great thing about that movie is the quotes - it has the greatest quotes ever, and they spread like wildfire, and everyone on earth quotes them - and they're the only funny thing about the whole movie. There's maybe like five of them. Here are my favorite parts/quotes:

"Your mom goes to college."
Whatever that line was..."Are you drinking one-percent because you think you're fat? Because you could totally drink whole."
The "skit".

Yep, five. Five things in the entire movie that are remotely funny. Not really worth watching for five funny things that you could just quote at any time, right?

I'm going to be busy this week, unfortunately. But I guess it doesn't really matter, as long as I'm having fun. I can't wait to get glasses. I wonder what day I'm seeing the eye doctor. Being home, I'm visiting my real doctor for the migraines, and the dentist for my yearly teeth cleaning thing, and the eye doctor for glasses. I don't really have any medical problems though, except maybe the migraines but I'm starting to be able to just deal with them. And my nails grow faster than I want them to, but that's not really a medical problem, that's just me being really lazy because I hate cutting my nails and for a while I did it once a week on Tuesday nights but then I went to college. Your mom goes to college.

becca and I were laughing at how everyone says the line like, "Your MOM goes to college" when it isn't said that way in the movie at all. In the movie, it's just this random "your mom goes to college" high monotone thing said by...Kip. Is that the geeky brother?

Everyone on that movie really irritates me. I hate them. I just decided that.

Is there anything else to say?



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