March 29, 2005

Do you ever have a 'pretty' day? Where you just feel pretty? It's sort of a silly feeling, one that makes me want to giggle. And that, of course, leads me to feel even more girlish than before! Well, I'm having one today. I know, I know, I shouldn't be so vain. But, really. Aren't we all allowed to have a bit of esteem for our looks once in a while? Maybe not outloud though. Ha.
It's funny though, because I wonder if I really do look any different from the day before, or if it's all just a psychological thing. Maybe it's because of the rain.

I think a tangent is coming!

I love the rain. I really do. It's so refreshing, and makes doing chores at home so much more pleasant. Except for the danger aspects of driving in the rain, I really do enjoy it. I don't enjoy the traffic or how other people tend to drive though. Mostly, I like the sound of rain on the car.

I guess I just like to sit in my car when it rains. But I also like to revel in the silentness of my windowshield wipers. I don't know why I take so much pride in that. I guess I'm just happy that they don't squeak anymore.

I've been driving my old car, due to some random circumstances that happened the other day, and I had forgotten how much I like it. Sure, the outside is beat up, but I had just gotten new tires, and, as I touched on earlier, new windowshield wipers. The radio works, I have an antenna, and the controls are so much less complicated. Also, it's a stickshift, and there's something about driving a stick that I like too. Who knows, maybe I'm just weird. [/tangent]


Maybe it's a combination of both the rain and what I accomplished today. Maybe it's just that I feel very refreshed because I caught up on sleep and was able to do the things I wanted to do today. A very nice feeling! Actually, getting enough sleep probably did help a little. A lot.

Ah ha. I'm such a doof. On to other subjects!

Around 4 this afternoon, I realized that there was a "mandatory" staff meeting at work, but I couldn't remember if it was 5 or 6, or 5:30. I also realized that I had been in sweat pants for a better part of the day, and hadn't taken a shower yet (ah, the beauty of days off).

So, I did. Then I called and found out that it was at 5:30. I left at 5, and arrived a few moments early. I walked inside, talked to a few people, and then, my boss figured out that I wasn't there to work and asked, "why are you here, becca?"
"For the meeting..."
"Why? The sign said mandatory!"
"yeah, but you didn't have to come. It doesn't really apply to you. Well it does, I mean, no, well, some of it does. But you don't work the counter. Here, take the booklet, but you don't have to be here."

This was both to my surprise and pleasure. I really didn't feel like sitting through a mostly pointless meeting. At least, in regards to me, it would be mostly pointless.

I didn't have anything to do in the area, and I wasn't about to drive all the way home, so I decided to drop in at the library. This is one of my favorite small branches, after all. I have worship practice in a bit more than half n hour, and plenty of books to chose from! And rain! Ah ha!

And yet, I still have more to say. No, I don't. But, I'm going to use my full alloted 30 minutes of computer time, thank you!

I'll give you a memorization update!

I learned the rest of Matthew 26 today! I need to learn 27 and 28 by Friday, although, I hope to have it done by Thursday. That's roughly 85 verses. Wow. But, if I do it (and I'm positive I will), I'll have memorized all of the quizzing material for the year. Finally. Woo.

I took amber to the train station. It was cold and wet, but it wasn't that bad. There were two boys who were being very loud, and unfortunately, they were saying very dumb things or singing very badly. I guess they just couldn't control themselves with two beautiful, rain soaked girls under the same tin roof as them. As amber was getting on the train, I walked down the ramp (as opposed to the stairs) back to the parking lot. I stepped through a very large puddle and my feet were absolutely soaked, so I blasted the floor heat on the way home. There's always some satisfaction in coming home wet though. After I peel the wet socks off, change into some dry clothes and drink some tea or do something in a warm room, it results in a nice feeling.

1 minute to spare!



At 12:50 PM, Blogger tyrone said...

There's too much I want to say, so I'll just keep it short.

You are great.

At 2:08 PM, Blogger Amber said...

Good job on Matthew! You know you can call me and quote, don't you! Eighty-five verses is nothing! Nothing, do you hear me?!


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