March 22, 2005

Yesterday was nice. I woke up and went to the dentist. The hygienist asked me how old I was, and I said "almost eighteen" and she said "we'll do flouride, then." I asked if the cutoff year was 18 for flouride and she said it was. I was like "ack! But I'll be eighteen in like one month..." Flouride is not pleasant, if you've never had it. It's not painful or anything, it's just like...yay, I get to sit with this extremely oversized piece of plastic and goo in my mouth for fifteen minutes while I drool all over the place. It tastes bad, you can't drink water after it, it makes your mouth sore, etc. etc. I told her I've been coming to this same dentist pretty much every year since I started getting teeth. She said I didn't have to do fluoride.

However, I did get an "almost-cavity" filled.

Then I went to Debbi's to hang out there for an hour. I had yogurt and granola.

Then I came home and played computer games all day until, oh, I don't know...and eventually I went to becca's house, where we drank coffee and memorized. We came back and watched SuperNanny on abc - my family had heard about it and wanted to watch it. I thought it was pretty good.

Then I stayed up late playing more computer games because Dad was drilling.

Now I'm up for a doctor's appointment in an hour. No, I don't have any medical problems! I'm just supposed to come back in and tell her if Imitrex worked for my migraines, and if I'm still getting them as often and stuff.

Then I'm going to the eye doctor who will, I hope, prescribe me some glasses very quickly so I can get used to them before going back to school.

Tomorrow and Thursday I'm working for Raedeana all day, Thursday night I go to quiz practice.

Friday I want to have the rest of Hebrews 10 memorized.

Friday night - last music and game night at our house ever! Supposedly more people are coming than ever and it's going to be packed. There's a tradition my mom has of inviting like 40 people, and she worries about having enough room/food/whatever, and then only 15 show. But supposedly tonight all 40 people seem to be planning on coming.

Yes, I know Friday is Good Friday and we're supposed to meditate on Jesus' was kind of an issue - I mean, this is kind of a goodbye thing because my family's moving and a party. Oh well.

Saturday - Psalms Bible Marathon from noon to 6! Come to Amber's grandma's house to participate!

Sunday - church. Finish up Bible Study Methods Assignment and two page Spanish paper about what I did over my spring break.

Monday - pack up! Go home! Take a night train!

AAAA! I don't have anyone to pick me up at the train station! I need to make some phone calls!



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