March 11, 2005

It's nice to be getting better and not worse. Last night, I woke up at 1am (actually, I had woken up several times during the night, but I got up at 1), because I could hardly breathe. My nose was super stuffy and my throat hurt a lot. So, I got up and made myself some tea. I drank about three sips of it, sniffed in the steam, fell down on my pillow, and didn't wake up until my alarm went off at 6:23.

I went to school. French class, actually. I had to leave a few times to blow my nose, but the girl who was sitting next to me - and who happened to be my dialogue partner for the day - was very nice about it.

Then I went to work. I agreed to come in for a few hours, because they desperately needed the help. This was a pretty bad week to get sick, as far as work goes. We had TONS of special orders, and the main baker is on vacation. I have to go in tomorrow, too. But that's good, because I lost a lot of hours being sick and stuff.

Now I'm back at school! Just one more class - biology. Tonight should be pretty easy though, and I actually had some fun doing my prelabs last night. I swear the only reason I have an okay grade in this class is because of the lab time. I do just about perfect on those every time. If we could take the tests after we had our lab, I'd probably do better on those too. I always understand what we're learning WAY better after the lab time. A lot of the time just reading the text book goes in one ear and out the other. It makes sense after applying what I've read, or going "oh, yeah, I remember reading something about that..." then going back and reading it in the context of what I'm doing with it.

SO MUCH SENSE! That will be in my class evaluation.

I'm writing a short french story for my causerie (french speech, final thing).

I think it's going to be called, "Jean-Claudes et ses nouvelles chaussures." Which means, "Jean-Claudes and his new shoes"

I think I need to review that part about adjectives prior to the noun. Maybe I'll choose a different name. Maybe it'll be about something else too...but I had some fun ideas for a shoes story. hmm.

It's so pretty out today! I reeeeaaally hope I get out of biology early!

My shirt has flour all over it.

I forgot a change of clothes, so now I'm all messy.

Ah, who could be upset about something like that today? I'm feeling so much better!!!!

But my jaw hurts...a lot. My dentists seems to think it's wisdom teeth related. I hope that's all it is. I have to call the jaw people today. duh da duh da.



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