I'm back from my vacation, and it was great. But that was a lot of driving. My dad checked the odometer last night. We drove almost a thousand miles during that week - I'm guessing an average of two hours per day. I took a lot of pictures, and I'll probably put them on my site later today.
I'm at my parent's new house for the first time. It is HUGE. I wandered through it when I first got here and it seemed like there was no end to it. It has a lot of closets. I can't find the oatmeal and tea. Maybe Mom didn't unpack it yet. I have a sneaky suspicion that I accidently put a box of food in the garage along with all my stuff, so it might be there. Today I have to start unpacking, box by box.
Yes, I'm back from college. By some miracle we were able to fit everything I own in and on top of our minivan, along with five people and their weeklong vacation's accumulated luggage. (I had to sit and think about why I put the word "accumulated" there, since they didn't accumulate the luggage
during the vacation, but I think I have come to the conclusion that I just like that word there.
I have a lot of dreams about gunmen. Usually I walk past a room and I see someone pointing a gun at someone else, and it's up to me to go where he can't see me and call 911. I never get shot, or even close to it. Usually I run into the next room, call 911 and say "someone is about to get shot here" and leave the house and get on with my dream.
The second half of my dream was kind of weird; Raedeana came and she was like "Are you ready to babysit for my kids? Don't forget to bring the lotion; you forgot that last time." And I wasn't ready to go because for some reason I was in the dorm and I owned two rooms (68 and 69) and both were messy, so I had to hurry and clean up, and just before I went I grabbed the lotion. Peach. I could tell you what happened from then on, because it's very clear in my mind, but however clear it may be it's hard to explain and besides not very intersting.
I called becca on the way back yesterday. I was so sick from hours and hours of driving and fighting between my two younger sisters. Ugh, I don't understand it. Even when they say nice things to each other they say them in mean tones of voice, though they would deny it. By "mean" I guess I mean sarcastic, usually, or with derisive little smirks or laughs. Anyway. I called becca. It was great. I hadn't talked to her probably since my birthday when she came down. I made a joke that I knew only she and a handful of others trained to look for puns would get, and I had to repeat it a couple times since we were both on our cell phones and reception was bad. Then she got it and laughed. And said, "I haven't talked to you for a while, have I?" because she knew that jokes like those are only funny between us. I can't wait to see her.
Today, as soon as my family leaves for church (yeah, I'm not going; they're still trying to find a home church, and they're church hopping a lot, and I don't really want to go to a church unless I'm familiar with it at this point. I've done that plenty of times at school. Now, I'm on summer vacation, and on summer vacation I want to go to
my home church.) I am going to play my dear piano for at least an hour, probably, after I dig up some of my music from the garage. I will also unpack some stuff. Eventually today I'd also like to go to the store to get some things I've been doing without for a while. Tomorrow, I'll pick up, fill out, and turn in a bunch of job apps, just in case I can't find anything in Fairwood.
I'm hungry now. goodBYE!!!!!!