May 09, 2005


If I even started typing all the stuff I had to do it would count as procrastination so I won't.

But becca! I have been wanting to call you all day and I can't because I know it'll be like three hours till I get off the phone with you! And I have to do things badly! But know that I really really really really want to talk to you right now - not for any particular reason, I just want to hear your voice and tell you about today how someone said something and I immediately thought of a quote from Finding Nemo and thought of you and how you would think it was really great if I had said it, and you would have made the connection instantly. Gah. I just want to talk to you. Know that you are the greatest friend ever.

Faithful blog readers, take note: Our friendship is this strong, that we will blatantly admit how much we appreciate each other. Before I went to college, we hung out a lot, and each other's presence was the special thing. After I went to college the only way to hang out was to actually have conversations instead of just sitting around watching movies or listening to books on tape or doing nothing, and I think we started to appreciate each other's words more, because now more often than not we'll talk on the phone and one of us will say something like, "You know, I really enjoy talking to you."

I just started thinking about this. We didn't used to say this, when we hung out all the time. But now we can't hang out all the time, we can only talk. And it just goes to show the value of a true friendship.

Let me continue to ramble on this, then I'll get off and be responsible.

Amber Going Off To College was such a big thing before I left, and I was almost certain that, no matter how firmly resolved I could be not to lose becca's friendship, I would, just because we could no longer do the things we considered the basic ways to form our friendship - watching movies, getting chow mein together, eating ice cream on the curb together, going to church together, drinking tea together, going to quiz practice together, and basically everything together. And I do mean everything.

But you know what? It didn't happen! I, for one, was very pleasantly surprised. Because, becca is one of those people when I read what Paul says "I thank God every time I remember you" I think of her.

It's been nice having hours long conversations with her the past year, but I for one am really excited about once again living a mile away from her this summer.

I dearly, dearly love her. If you ever dare to make her sad, I will very likely maim you for life.

This post is hereby dedicated to becca.


At 10:26 PM, Blogger tyrone said...

Hmm... duly noted. I'd really rather not be maimed for life.

Hey, while I'm here, think you'd wanna go see the Ring dress rehearsals this summer? Uh, I'd bring becca too, so as not to make her sad. In case you're taking any notes, it would be about the end of July and/or the beginning of August.

Well, hope you get stuff all done and find some good relax and talk to friends time. 'Night.

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Amber said...




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