May 09, 2005

I really like to accomplish things.

Today has been great. I woke up at 6:30 wide awake and ready for the day. I had taken a much needed 5 hour nap the day before, and I got about 6 1/2 hours of sleep that night. I was still feeling kind of ill though - sore throat, headache, stomach ache. I nearly considered skipping my second class, but decided to tough it out - there's only 4 more weeks in the quarter, afterall.
I'm glad I did too! Class today was easy, enjoyable, and went by quickly. It's about quarter to five right now, and I've been working on homework since around three 'o' clock. GUESS WHAT!? I'm completely caught up, and even a little ahead! ha. It's so nice to be ahead.

Plus, I just got the past 4 grades on my past huge assignments for my mycology class, and I'm really quite happy with my scores. I'm always weary about science projects. I put a lot of effort into them, but I never think I'm doing them right. It's a nice to know that I'm on the right track, and this teacher gives very helpful feedback. Actually, all my teachers do this quarter, it's great. I'm all the more motivated to work harder and study even more. It's funny, for the past couple of weeks, homework has been just kind of this thing I HAD to do, but now I'm really enjoying it. I forgot that I chose these classes specifically for fun. ha.

My brother just called me and asked me if I wanted to go play music with him tonight. Ha. That'll be fun. I guess this guy he works with has a whole studio with lots of musical instruments and stuff. I haven't played music with Kit in...years. woo.

ha, what a weekend, what a day! I can't find any reason for not smiling, so I might as well keep it up.



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