May 24, 2005

Yes, "Sleep is a very good thing. Period."

Haha. It's 12:17 pm and I'm still in my pajamas. All I've done today is some noncommital unpacking (as in, I spent around 10 minutes on it and most of that 10 minutes was spent looking around my room and sighing because I couldn't think of good places to put stuff and it didn't really matter because I'm leaving for Renton tomorrow and most of my stuff is just going to stay here anyway and I don't care if it's all over the room or in the garage or what, but the reason I'm unpacking anyway is so I'll make sure I don't miss bringing anything important with me to Renton. That sentence was obscenely long.), some noncommital eating, and read some of Isaiah.

I have a goal to read Isaiah 10 times this summer. Why? Part of the reason is, I often read a book of the Bible and then kind of forget what was in it. I remember vaguely "what it was about", but if I read it again in, say, a year, I find it's just as if I'm reading it for the first time again. I figure if I read it 10 times in a row I'll be more likely to remember what I read. So, I'm reading 10 chapters a day. I've gotten through it once so far (I started about a week and a half ago.) I'm actually really enjoying in the second time through. I think I'll read it in a couple different versions as I progress.

I said I finished memorizing Hebrews, but I still can't quote the whole thing all the way through. What I meant by that statement was, "I was able to quote each of the chapters in Hebrews at some time or another." Of course, I tried to review during the last few months but I wasn't very good at it. So now I'm reviewing and rememorizing. I can safely say I've got most of it down pat. Next memorizing project? Psalms 1-5. Shouldn't be too hard; they're short. I think the hardest thing about memorizing a Psalm is the unpredictable flow of thought. It's poetry, not discourse. In discourse, you'll have a paragraph talking about, say, Jesus as a priest. You'll have five verses, and when you memorize them you don't mix them up because it's just the way the argument goes. Psalms are one of my favorite things in the Bible, but they're sure hard to memorize. I don't know how to explain it, I guess. But you try it. Memorize the first chapter of James, then try memorizing a couple stanzas of Psalm 119. James is ultimately easier, even though it might have a few more verses. Okay? Okay.


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