August 28, 2005


I was back at camp, counseling. I saw my two girls, Aimee and Lauren, and gave them hugs. I saw my Aunt Diane and said something like "Wow, it's already been a whole year? It seems like just a month ago that I was here!" I don't think I realized yet that it was a dream.

Then I was at Highlands Community Church in a room Aimee and Lauren and other people my age for a VBS program. We were actually at a resort somewhere by the beach, for an all day workshops type of thing. This meeting was a get-to-know-the-people-in-your-group type of thing. Anyway, the meeting ended and we had like ten minutes until our next meeting. I wandered around for a bit but when I came back into the room, another group was meeting ther and I didn't know where to go. I wandered some more, but couldn't find my group - only Madame Cherie from Phantom sitting in a chair. I told her my situation. She said, "I think they went down to the beach." So I went outside.

The resort was like my school on the beach. I looked at the water and it was the oddest beach I've ever seen - each individual wave of water was HUGE, and kind of solid, so it looked like huge blue triangles crashing on the beach. It looked kind of dangerous. I followed some other path for some reason, and suddenly I was carrying a huge glass table as I ran to catch my group. Eventually a truck drove past me and the two girls in it offered to drive me to the beach so I put my table in the back and got in the cab. These girls were nuts though. Actually I think there was a guy there too. I was trying to explain my situation, how I was trying to find my group and stuff, and then I was trying to explain who had told me that they were at the beach. I said, "You know, Jennifer Ellison's mom" and the guy just laughed at me. I was like, "Well, you know, not Jennifer Ellison herself, but in Phantom, when she's Meg, her mom." He still laughed. Then I remembered her name and blurted out "Madame Cherie!"

Suddenly, all the girls in my group were also in the truck with me. The girl who was driving was just nuts and she was like "I'll get you to the beach safely" and then she somehow twisted the wheel and we were hanging upside down. She was laughing maniacally as we left her vehicle. I threw up orange stuff. Then we went over to some kind of shelter, where we saw the guys in our group coming in a different vehicle towards us. They stopped, got out, and began conversing with the girls.

Then I woke up to my alarm. Half asleep, I hit snooze and went back to sleep.

I was just looking around and I saw two pints of milk on a little coffee stand side by side. One was brown and one was green/white - you know how milk cartons are colored, with the green/white ones having regular milk and the brown having chocolate? Well, I saw "chocolate" on both of these and I was trying to figure out why, and then I noticed an italicized "Mint" over the green/white one. So, one was mint chocolate milk, and the other was regular chocolate milk.

I realized this and then I woke up. It was time to get ready for church, so I came immediately downstairs and typed this. Good bye.


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