August 25, 2005

There. Now, in order to comment, you must type a series of odd letters into a box. Hopefully that will stop our comment spammers. It's been a silent battle, but a vicious one. I think if it were a dramatized journal entry, the story would look like this:

The Enemy has been here again. Once again, their pathetic links and fake "I like your blog" comments strike!!! What a stupid ploy for more website hits. At least they're not links to porn sites or anything. In rage I disabled "anonymous" comments - that ought to show them! Smug, I checked comments hourly. Ha! Still no spammers. I had fooled them with a click of a mouse. Yesterday, however, they struck again. My eyes widened in shock and surprise, then narrowed in hate and deliberation. I would kill them if it meant killing my precious blog along with them! I searched Blogger's normally very helpful site for information about comments, but I could find none regarding spam. I guess I assumed it had a more sophisticated name than that. I emailed them. They emailed me back an automated email with specific links to their help section that were generated based on certain key words in my email. One involved comment spammers!

Yet another click of the mouse...yet another setting changed. Yet no more spammers shall remain here while I do.

That was pathetic. Sorry.

(added later...)

Let me share with you three things about my day.

1. Today I received my laser printer. It's very cute and I'm so happy. The extreme hassle of printing papers at school last year was really irritating.

2. I hiked all day today. It was fun! I took a lot of photos. I'll put them up sometime soon.

3. I just drank of cup of very relaxing tea, and I think I'll have another before bed. You probably already know that I like tea, but right now I'm just overflowing with love for it. So I'll just say that you cannot possibly imagine how happy and grateful and smiley inside I am because of the cup of tea I just had, and how I really, really think it's one of the best things in the world, and I quite literally thank God for it.


At 1:59 PM, Blogger tyrone said...

That was certainly an odd series of letters. In a box.

Someday, I hope I'll have a laser printer. And later today, I hope I'll have some tea. Among other things.

At 6:43 PM, Blogger Amber said...

I'm sure you will have tea later today. Although, it's pretty hot today.


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