August 20, 2005

Well, my cd from Deep Discount CD came, against all odds. A little late, but oh well. I still wish I hadn't taken the chance, though I am really excited that I now have my EXTENDED PHANTOM OF THE OPERA SOUNDTRACK! I'm listening to it right now, actually. My mug came on the same day. It's a nice mug. I haven't drank out of it yet because it has not been cool enough for tea, and also because Melody drank out of it and didn't wash it. =)

becca was supposed to call me a LONG time ago. At this rate, I won't be getting to her house at all! -_-

I should continue cleaning my room...bye.


At 7:25 PM, Blogger Joshua said...

I couldn't find the post about the site statistics... I thought there was one with a list of search terms that had brought people here. Anyway, I just found this neat toy called gvisit that lets you see a map of your site's most recent visitors. Or something like that. It's neat, just look at the demo.


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