January 16, 2005

yo-yoers amaze me.

I used to know a few tricks, but I was never very good at it. It's not something I care to pursue at all, but still, people who can do it amaze me. Even if they do spend too much time on it.

It's 11am and I'm still in my pajamas. bwaha. My hair is so messy it feels like I have a squirrel on my head. I'm content. That reminds me though, I'm out of shampoo. I should go to WAL*MART today.

I made oatmeal. I like oatmeal. I think oatmeal is one of the greatest foods ever invented. I think I wrote a poem about oatmeal once. That was a while ago. When I was 13 or something. I don't remember it anymore. I doubt it was a good poem anyway. I don't think I've ever written a good poem.

Ha. I'M SO HAPPY TODAY! I don't have any specific reason for it, but I can't find any reason not to be happy. SO, I'll just have to live with it. mwehee.

I wonder if I can find the poem. Because, now I'm curious as to how it went.

ha. I found it. I had submitted it on poetry.com and it's still there. bwaha.

It was written in march 2001. Yep, 13.

"Ode to Oatmeal"
Oatmeal, Oatmeal, in my bowl,
Oatmeal, Oatmeal, you look dull,
Oatmeal, Oatmeal, make me drool,
Oatmeal, Oatmeal, you can't fool!
Oatmeal, Oatmeal, I hold the spoon,
Oatmeal, Oatmeal, you'll be eat'n soon!

well! I'm going to go play piano for a while. I haven't played much lately.



At 11:31 AM, Blogger becconing amberlance said...

I do wish I didn't write such long, boring entries...sigh. But I just can't help it. I don't write them to be interesting - I write them to get my thoughts out of my head. It's the same as keeping a journal on my computer using only Microsoft Word, except it doesn't take up my computer space.

In any case, I think it's better to type a bunch of boring rambles than to call you up and say them to you, right? =P


At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:09 AM, Blogger becconing amberlance said...

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At 3:10 PM, Blogger Sir Brian The Manly said...

Ha! I still have that poem in my Private Messages on the PNW Boards. One time when I was making oatmeal, I left the kitchen for a moment, and when I returned, the oatmeal was on fire and one of my mom's pitchers which was sitting nearby was half melted. Yep. I should be a chef.

At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, an American chef.

We have no regard for our cooking untensils. In other cultures, dining is a supreme art, and the tools you use to cook with are treated with respect.

I broke the cuisinart at work the other day...while CLEANING it.



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