January 10, 2005

I got my first migraine since getting the medicine! It was funny because I kept waiting to get one, because I wanted to see if the medicine worked. Then I was talking to Jessica and finishing up Mark and suddenly I wasn't able to see all that well, and I saw little dots of light and started feeling weird and got my whole "Am I getting a migraine? Am I not getting a migraine? Of course I'm getting a migraine, this always precedes a migraine, but am I really experiencing what I think I'm experiencing?" thing.

Then I got the aura majorly. It was at night, too! I've never gotten a migraine at night...anyway, I took the meds right away and then just kind of stared at the ceiling for the next half hour, feeling sick and dizzy and watching the aura move from the bottom of my vision to the very side to the very top, then straight down until it disappeared. I waited for something to happen. Jessica read the pill container for me since I couldn't, and I wasn't sure some things about it. The doctor said there were all these side effects that might happen from the medicine, and did they! I got freezing cold first and I thought it was the room so i was going to turn up th eheat, but Jessica said she wasn't cold, so I just put on a sweatshirt and a heavy coat and two blankets and laid down. That was good because then I got really really sleepy and my legs hurt, and Jessica kept asking me concerned questions and I was just like "uh, dunno, ummmmmm..."

An hour and a half later, I made myself start moving and now I'm nearly back to normal without a migraine! I guess it probably works then! Except I almost knew I was going to get one because I had "that feeling" all day that something was completely wrong. I wonder if I can blame my lethargic, uncaring attitude on that. I shouldn't, though. anyway.

I think Spanish class will be better this semester than last. The class is more organized this time, and two people smaller so we're 7 people including the teacher. I like the teacher more now, and she's really cracking down on using only Spanish in class which is really helpful to me because suddenly I'm like "WOAH, I know a LOT more Spanish than I thought I did!" which motivates me to study more.

I thought I had more interesting things to say...I'm reading a lot of amazing things in Matthew, and great things I'm realizing, even though I've read Matthew millions of times before I see it differently.

I love becca a lot. I am sincerely overjoyed that she's my very own friend.

My family lost the house they made an offer on. I can now publicly say it.




At 5:41 PM, Blogger Joshua said...

I had to look up what "aura" meant. Migraines sound horrible. I'm glad your medicine helped.

At 9:19 PM, Blogger becconing amberlance said...

When you mentioned looking up aura, I realized that I hadn't really researched migraines at all - I mean, I knew I got them, and the doctor confirmed it, so I didn't really care. But just now I typed "migraine aura" into google and found a description of the stages of a migraine and I read it. It was amazing. I kept thinking "yes! Yes! Exactly!" It's nice to know there's other people who experience EXACTLY the same thing. Woohoo. "Four stages," even. All profesional sounding.


At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhh Amber.....we aren't supposed to publically talk about the house yet, not at all if we still don't get it, and if we do end up getting it not until it's for sure.

--Youre loveing sister


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