January 14, 2005

Haha. Yesterday I fell asleep at 4 pm and woke up barely in time to eat dinner which stops being served at 6:30. As I ran to the cafeteria beside my roommate (who had thought dinner ended at 7), she asked me why I hadn't set my alarm. I told her it was almost unheard of for me to nap during the day, and even more rare that I should sleep for that long.

At 4:30 today, I again fell asleep and again failed to set my alarm. I figured that I wasn't really tired enough to sleep and I would get restless after laying down for half an hour and get up to do homework. I again failed to set my alarm, and figured Jessica would wake me up when it was time. I had all these dreams, and in each of them there was a clock that said it was 6:05 and I kept looking at all these clocks and thinking "I have twenty five more minutes to sleep." Next thing I knew, Jessica was in the room and she was like "Amber, you did it again," and I said "No, I didn't" and she said "You missed dinner" and I said "Nuh uh, I still have time" and she said "It's 6:28" and I was like "No it's not" and she said "fine" and then I sat up and she was right. So I pulled the covers back over my head and rested some more.

Jessica tends to wake up much later than me (she also tends to have classes that start two hours later than mine every day). She goes to bed pretty late every night, so while I have to get up at 6:30 every morning of the week, we go to bed at 12 or 1 or 2 every night of the week, and it gets pretty draining on me. I think afternoon naps are going to be a must. Or I'll just have to learn to sleep with someone else alive and kicking in the room. Except these last nights I haven't had a choice about when I go to bed because I've been doing homework up till that time, which was completely chaotic. I talked about that earlier, I think.

I really love my roommate. I couldn't ask for a better one. We take walks every day for a lot of reasons, but mainly because it's just so nice to get off campus. It becomes claustrophobic when the only places to hang out there's all these other people and you know all of them, and every event is a school sponsored events - more things you can do with these people you know...I don't know. It just gets so tiring! Of course, I hang out at Frank and Penni's house all days Sundays, so I get off campus more than the average student. But it's still nice.

It's so cold though! No snow yet - and I hope it doesn't come tonight, I'd rather it come Sunday since I have to get up early tomorrow morning too. It's definitely cold enough for snow though.

I'm doing another Bible Marathon tomorrow - Matthew - Romans, 14 hours. It'll be the shortest one I've done so far, I think, which is really odd because it's the longest one happening this year (the others are 10 hours). I'm happy because both the other times I've gone, I haven't really known anyone there, and this time two of my good friends will be there. I emailed Dr. G (that's Dr. Garry Friesen, the same one who wrote Decision Making) as soon as I got the email announcing the marathon, telling him I want to be in it, and he said I was too late and it was full. I signed my email "-Amber Mull" just in case he would remember who I was from his class last semester.

Then last night I was waiting outside Sutcliffe for my ride to worship practice and he came out of the building. I said "Hi, Dr. G!" and then I thought he probably couldn't recognize me because I was wearing a hat pulled down over my eyes and a hood and a bulky coat and a scarf. But, amazing man of memory that he is, he said "Hi, Amber! I got your email, and guess what! There might be room for you at the marathon, if you're willing to go last minute." I told him I was, and I got an email from him today saying there was a space! So I'm going! Even though I was really looking forward to the three day weekend in which to do homework, I basically said "well, God, it's all up to you - if I need Saturday for homework, you'll keep the door to the all-day marathon closed. If I can just work all day Sunday and Monday, you'll open the door." And now I'm actually pretty excited. I think we have a Day of Prayer later this next week too, which means an extra day off except for four hours in the morning! Haha!

hey, there's a place I can change the date, time, and year of this post. I could make you think I posted yesterday. Or tomorrow. Or twenty years from now.

Something kind of funny that happened: Jessica was reading something out loud to me because it was dumb and I agreed about the dumbness. Then she said "Here's the best part" and read something else on the thing. I looked over her shoulder and pointed out that it didn't say that, it said something else. She realized I was right - and she had been reading it wrong. She said, "Gosh, I can't read anything! I must be lysdexic."

Then we walked and kept saying things like "wask brickly!" and stuff. It was freezing cold so it hurt to breathe and even more to laugh and we were both pretty much dead after our 20 minuteish walk.

Today was the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Student Commons. We got out of chapel early, that was nice. One guy was announcing that we were all going to go down to the school again to the grassy area behind the SC, and he was like "Okay, now go and frolic down to the grassy knoll," and it was so funny. We just laughed about it all the way down.

I'm going to call a girl who wanted me to hang out with her tonight (because I'm so cool; no, actually, she was distressed that everyone else was doing stuff on Friday night except her, so I agreed to do homework in her room. Actually, I'll like the company because Jessica's going home for the weekend tonight.) and see if she has any food. I'm shameless and I'm hungry.



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