January 19, 2005

this shouldn't surprise you too much, but, amber: I CUT MY HAIR. bwahahahahhaa.

Not that much though. Just enough so that I wouldn't have to do anything to it. It's great. I wash it, I dry it, maybe I comb out, and I'm good for the day.

It's funny too, I never really have ever gotten compliments on my hair. Maybe a few people will notice if I cut it. I usually forget within a day. But today, wow. I actually counted TWELVE compliments! And this one lady at work - she is the sweetest person - kept coming back and telling me how nice it looked, and how I looked like I should be on a shampoo commercial, bleh bleh bleh.

Oh, make that thirteen!

I even bought shampoo AND conditioner. At .99 cents a bottle, who can resist? It smells like apple too, which is almost my favorite scent for shampoo.


Enough about that. Wow, am I girly.

14! The day's not over yet!

I'm happy. I don't have anything else to say. Why am I so happy? I made tea, I slept, I got a lot of studying done, I even played piano! Is there anything but happiness in that?




At 2:48 PM, Blogger Sir Brian The Manly said...

Apple scents for 99 cents makes perfect sense for such innocense.



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