January 20, 2005

ha, hair. You weirdo.

I'm glad you had a good day, though. To exhibit to our readers one of the qualities of a truly perfect friendship, I will now rejoice with you in your wonderful day, though mine wasn't nearly so great. In fact, I'm glad you had a good day, and I wish I could have spent it with you.

Oh by the way, remember "lilac"? Someone was looking through a book about plants and I remembered the pronunciation dispute. And the "picture" thing except I never say it wrong now. There was one more pronunciation argument...what was it?

Oh, and I actually heard someone say "you look like an Indian" the other day and I completely busted out laughing. Then I had to explain it, and it wasn't as funny, but you really should have been there.

Did you get my letter yet? I want to send another one (gotta use up that "tie-dye set"!)

Today is a Day of Prayer and Praise, which means that there are no classes, and all students are required to attend certain prayer meetings from roughly 8 - 12 am, after which we are free. First we were supposed to go to our advisor groups, and there were some miscommunications about who was our group's advisor (we had switched mid-semester last year) and what room we were supposed to be in, and then our advisor was like "well I don't know what we're really here to do, I don't have a speech planned or anything" and I was like "How about pray and praise since that's what the day is called?" So we did some of that, except it was great because it was more testimonies than anything. Like, one girl mentioned as a prayer request that she won't be coming back to school next semester because of finances. Instead of saying "fine, we'll pray for that," the instructor immediately began telling five or six stories about times he had needed certain amounts of money, and God always provided miraculously. It was amazing. He is Indian and sometimes it's hard to understand him, but because he is not speaking in his native language, it's easy to see how sincere he is and unfake. He told these stories to encourage the girl and also all in that particular group who were struggling financially. And it was amazing. It wasn't like one of those things you read about in forwarded emails, because this was the testimony from the person it happened to. He didn't say "I know a guy where this happened and it was awesome" he said "here are a few ways God has worked in my life." That, right there, is the definition of a testimony. And they were wonderful to hear.

I'm going to be gone to Mt. Hood for the weekend with a family from my Oregon church (I have two churches which I claim as mine - my "home" church or my "oregon" church. I love them both dearly.) They cross-country ski and snowshoe. I might not be good at skiing and I've never snowshoed, and I've never really "played" in more than three inches of snow, so this will be fun. In any case, my idea of a good time is to have time to sit and read or crochet. I'll bring homework, I'll have nice people to talk to, so even if I end up not going outside much it'll be fine. Woohoo!



At 3:00 PM, Blogger Sir Brian The Manly said...

I went to Mt. Hood with my youth group a few years ago. I think that's where I went of the first jump I'd ever gone off of while we were snowboarding. I landed on my feet and then fell in a heap, whereas my friend tried it and ended up flipping upside-down, landing on his shoulder, thus doing something weird to it that made him wear a sling for the rest of the week. So if you intend on going off any jumps when you're not reading, don't flip over. ;)


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