January 21, 2005

;D I know it!

I had such a great day today!

I always have this weird feeling about asking for prayer because"I'm doing too much."
But then again, there's never anything I can't use prayer for, and maybe it's just that I needed to be able to focus on something inparticular or so.

This week seemed so insane on monday. Amazingly, I was able to get everything done at the last minute, and look! I have time left over to post about it. ha.

I got all of my lab assignments done, and lab was SO much fun today. I'm not sure what it was. I have a good lab partner now, and we got done an hour early. So, I have more than half of my monologue memorized for tomorrow, and I put together my bible lesson for 5 day club tonight. The church is down the street from the library! Ah. joy.

I love 5 day club. I haven't done one in such a long time, but I really enjoy doing them. The bible lesson is my favorite part too. I love telling stories to kids! I always learn more stuff about the bible stories when I teach them too - even when I've heard them hundreds of times. It's a bit of work to put it together, but it's so worth it in the end. Ha, I'm SO excited about tonight! To think I almost declined doing it because I had "too much homework." Ha!

I'm happy! So happy, I don't know what to say!

The sky was beautiful earlier. I parked in the parking garage at school for the first time today. I was on the 3rd level, and it was perfect for watching the sunset. Friday's are my new favorite day because of the time I get out of class. Right at sunset, and I can get the parking space.

I feel as if I'm doing a very poor job with my grammar, but I'm not really paying attention. I'm just writing. writing writing writing. HA. hahahhaa. okay. I'm going to explode with mirth if I don't find something serious to do.



At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry about grammar in a blog. It sort of defeats the purpose of a blog... kinda. Anyway, cool blog. Got an RSS feed? Please remind me at the next meet to give you a button for Amber, K? -Gryphon

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yes! It was always bugged me if someone telled me how bad my grammar were on a post for a blog. :P

I'll try and remember the button-thing.

I'd feel so much smarter if I knew what an RSS feed is...


At 6:27 AM, Blogger Joshua said...

RSS is something that would export your blog in a more machine-friendly format, so that you can do things like this (screenshot) if you have Firefox; it's also possible to use other programs which will show a running set of headlines and the first few lines of an entry as a sort of preview. I believe there's an entry in the Blogger help database somewhere about how to set one up.

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, thanks. I thought it looked familiar.

Now I can say with confidence that we don't have one set up.


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