March 07, 2006

I got a migraine last night. I don't think I've ever gotten one at night before, but I sure prefer getting them at night over getting them in the morning, because getting a migraine means taking Imitrex and falling asleep as my body turns into a piece of lead.

I'm not quite over it today. I don't know if it's the medication or the migraine. I went to one class but didn't think I could make it through my next one, so I got excused. My vision is kind of migraine-like, but not really, and it feels like my blood is racing so I'm out of breath, but at the same time it takes a huge effort to lift my arms. At lunch I didn't talk a lot and people noticed. Heck, people noticed yesterday, before I got the migraine, because I have symptoms even before the migraine hits. It's such a weird, out-of-it feeling, and I hate it because people sometimes don't understand, and I want to be all happy and smiley and bubbly but I can't, so I just don't want to be around people at all. It's so hard to explain what migraines feel like, and everyone's advice is "oh, take some tylenol." It's not a headache! It comes with a weird kind of headache, but it's the nausea and the blood racing and the near-panic and the detached-from-the-world feeling. It's so odd. I feel like I'm not really myself.

Okay, bedtime.


At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Migraines are very wierd. I used to get them quite a bit in high school and college. My vision would be blocked out in the center so I couldn't see someone's face. I could see their ears, but not their face. Odd. I would also lose my memory and the feeling in my arms and tongue. I'm sorry you have to go through this. They are not fun and can be very confusing. I'll pray that you will be healed of them as I was.

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Amber said...

Thanks, Debbi! Yeah, I get the vision thing too, except it's usually not in the center. I can usually see somebody's face, but not their body. It's always a circle off to one side, usually the right. So weird! And I notice that I can't reason very well or think clearly or make good judgments when I get a migraine, either. They're so weird it's almost funny!

Thanks so much for your prayers! I miss you a lot.


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