January 08, 2006

I know I've been posting a lot lately. I guess I just have a lot of junk to say =P

This will be more reflective, though.

As far as families go, I know that God has blessed me a lot with the one I have. Statistically, we are a deviation from the norm. My parents are together and they love each other, we're all Christians, we all go to church.

This has been a long break to live with my family. In fact, this is the longest I've lived with them since I first left for college a year and a half ago. It's been fun, but they're also part of the reason I'm glad to be going back to school! Of course, that may be because I'm more used to my "new life" at school.

I've noticed something, though. I don't know if any of my family reads this, but even if they do, it wouldn't hurt to find this out. My family are not happy. It seems like if there isn't an argument going on, there's kind of a chill in the air. People don't hug or smile or make little light comments very often. Lots of days, it seems like nothing that isn't absolutely necessary is said to anyone. Tempers and patience are very short. There's an air of irritation hanging around our house. It's evident in vocal tone and facial expression.

I don't really know what to do about it. I am the least likely to be forcedly sunny of anybody I know. I guess it doesn't really matter at the moment, since this is my last night in my house. I don't know if my family would agree with me on this point. They probably wouldn't, because for so long it's been like, if there's no fight going on, everything is well and good.

I usually don't say this, but does anyone have feedback? Has anyone noticed this in their own families? I notice it in myself on certain days, where a cloud of irritation surrounds me all day, but I guess I never noticed it in my entire house before now. It's amazing how everyone is affected.


At 2:45 PM, Blogger tyrone said...

I think part of it is just natural. Not living with your family for awhile makes it easier to see things more objectively.  Well, not exactly, but something like that.  With yours in particular, there are some specific relationships and situations that are probably a big part of what you're seeing.  Be thankful God's a part of it all, (to whatever degree,) and try to be patient, as I believe you'll see a change for the better as certain transitions finish up over time.


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