August 15, 2005

I just tried the "recover post" button on blogger because yesterday as I was typing an entry my laptop overheated and shut down. For the record, it didn't work. That's okay; I hadn't typed much and it wasn't really interesting or important anyway.

I just bought this. In fact, by the way, I have an wish list now! If you know either my full name or my most commonly used email address, you can search for it and BUY ME STUFF. Actually, my main reason for putting it up was so that I can buy them for myself as rewards for accomplishing goals or tasks. For example, today I needed to clean the whole house. I did, and as my predetermined reward I am buying myself that mug. (I want to have two eventually.) Why do I not put a link to my wish list here? Duh, it has my shipping address and EVERYTHING! And stuff! Okay, stalkers?

Supposedly my dad is on his way down here so I can sign some tax forms. I think, however, he forgot that the Edgars now live in a different house, and I'm not so sure he knows where the new house is. He doesn't have a cell phone. I have to go in to work in half an hour to go over some stuff with my boss. Hm.

So, my boss. Ha. Okay, so on Saturday I found the discrepancy in my paycheck and decided that Tuesday would be my last day. I called him right away and told him I needed to talk with him. He said Sunday he would come in while I was working. I said fine. But he didn't come in Sunday. So I called and left a message on his voicemail, which he failed to respond to, so I called him again today. No, he hadn't gotten my voicemail, but he would be available to talk at noon today. So today, I'm going to tell him that I'm quitting tomorrow.

Is that fair? Well, I asked the same question of becca, and she said, "Well, is it fair that you never got the hours you've been promised every week since you worked there? Is it fair that you're not getting paid for all your work?" She's so smart. And besides, he's used to people up-and-quitting on him. So, I'm really curious to see his reaction.

Okay. I'm done.

Edit: I did it. I quit. He told me not even to bother coming in tomorrow, OR today. I am officially DONE. YIPPEE!! Oh, and because of his WEIRD, INCONSISTENT way of paying his employees, he was actually RIGHT about my paycheck. DARN. He told me it was unfair of me. I told him about all his unfairness. He would do this irritating thing where he'd start to deny it, then say "oh, never mind, I don't care, you're quitting anyway." He was like, "I gave you more hours!" I said, "But they weren't the hours you promised me EVER SINCE I STARTED WORKING HERE!" He said, "The other employees complained that you were too slow." I was like, "Yeah, except now I'm the fastest person you've got." He didn't deny it.

Now, here's how much I hate to see things undone at my workplace. When I got there, I sat down to wait for my boss to no longer be busy, and I got myself a cup of water, and I noticed that there were hardly any straws left in the thing, and I KNEW that no one would notice until customers complained, because I'm the only one who ever fills the straws, so...I filled them. It was a small, simple thing, but I almost felt guilty for it. While I was waiting for my boss in a meeting in which I would inform him that I quit, I filled the straws. Haha.


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