June 11, 2005

"Your hair looks better."

Candid comment by Aidan. I had just rolled out of bed and got up to use the bathroom. When I opened my door I glanced into the living room and saw Aidan. Immediately he asked his favorite question: "What are you doing?" I answered with my usual obvious answer, "I just woke up, and now I'm leaving my room." He said, "Your hair." I said, "I know." I usually keep it up while I sleep but I was so tired last night I didn't. I have a LOT of hair, so after I've slept on it down it kind of goes everywhere and looks rather monsterish. I went back in my room, found a hair tie, pulled my hair back, and went back out. That's when I got my stamp of approval from Aidan, "Your hair looks better."

I gotta write down these memorable quotes as soon as they happen.


Last night (I might as well tell about this now) I learned the basics of how to close down the subway shop. The only thing is, it's 11:30 by the time I'll finish. I ride my bike to and from work, usually, except for last night when I got a ride with the lady who was training me. But it's just not really safe to be riding my bike out alone at 11:30 on a Friday night. And that particular stretch of Peterovitsky freaks me out, because there are no street lights and just a lot of trees and barely any shoulder to ride on.

So, it looks like I might have to sacrifice my lovely sleep-in mornings for my own safety, and open the store instead, if G's okay with that. I'll have to talk with him.

I just heard Aidan give a disappointed groan and asked him what was wrong. He said, "I just found six seven eight, but I can't find five."

I had weeeeird dreams last night. The latest one was of a flood. Me and some people worked at Subway, and one guy had to get a ride to the train station (we had a train station instead of a library) and he couldn't get a ride anywhere so I told him he could take my bike. But he didn't. The next thing I knew, I was on the beach and I just knew that it was going to get flooded. Of course, it did (ever notice that when you anticipate something in a dream, it happens?) So, everyone started running away from the water and up this mountain. We were in a car at first, driving toward the mountain, and we were always just barely ahead of the water. I looked out the window and saw a tidal wave bigger than any possible, I think. Actually, I don't think I could even see the top. I started screaming my head off to drive faster but those in the car didn't listen to me. Somehow, though, we left the car and ran up the mountain until we found a carriage, which we sat in. Then we saw a horse wandering about, and Sandy Sullivan somehow appeared and crafted a harness for the horse so it could pull us in the carriage up the mountain. We headed up but I leaped up to help some people who were barely hanging onto the rocks, to help them into the carriage, but my friends drove up with the carriage. Eventually we all had to rebuild what was left of the world and live there, on the top of the mountain, with water all around so that it was like an island. The end.

I recall also seeing a newspaper with the words "rain" and "thunderstorm" circled in the weather report. However, being as Aidan's favorite pastime is to circle sets of letters or words in newspapers in red pen, and seeing as his current biggest obsession is thunder, lightning, storms, and rain, and knowing that every morning his first activity is to get the paper and announce the weather report to the first person that wakes up ("There might be rain today..."), I wouldn't be surprised if I actually did find such a newspaper lying around the house.

I didn't know Subway people got tips. I've gotten two so far. Well, three, if you count Raedeana, but she tipped me partly because she knew me, I'm sure. Anyway, if you ever go to Subway and the person who makes your sandwich is particularly careful and courteous, you ought to throw in an extra dollar if you can afford it, because it'll make their day.

"Um, don't you need something to eat?" was Aidan's latest comment. I had said earlier that I was starving, and that's why I woke up, and I was going to eat something, and then I started typing on here when he gave me that quote. If he says anymore I'll write them down by hand and put them up later. Now, I am going to eat.


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