June 10, 2005

I'm almost better from being sick! That's good because I hate having to stop in the middle of making someone a sandwich to blow my nose, wash my hands, and re-put on gloves which is nearly impossible with wet hands. And I'm sure nobody likes to see someone blow their nose in the middle of making their sandwich.

And, I talked to the owner last night and told him I needed more hours, so he's going to show me how to close down the shop, starting tonight. Which is sad because this would have been my day off, but oh well.

This was a great morning! I woke up. Well, obviously. It was like 7 20 when I woke up and I wanted to call becca and see if she wanted to get breakfast but I d id n't know if she was sleeping, though i did know she had been working on a paper late last night, and I wasn't sure if she had class. So I called her around 8. I "kind of" woke her up. But oh well. =P And she came over and we decided to just hang out here. So I made muffins and tea, and we had that with canned peaches. It was wonderful.

I hope I get more hours soon. I have NO LIFE. One thing happens, and it's the highlight of my day, then the rest of the day I play piano, read, get on the computer - and do nothing. I know it's a great opportunity to get done all the stuff I should, but I tend to get that done more when I don't have a lot of time. You know? maybe not.

I played piano for a while just now. It's hard to sing with such a cold. But as I said that's getting better.

hm. I think I'll have another muffin.

I'm so bored. haha. I shouldn't complain.


At 12:10 PM, Blogger Sir Brian The Manly said...

oh man, working at Subway while sick is never good. =P I remember one time we went there and the guy was sick and was coughing and stuff, but he didn't exactly have the sanitization skills that you do so we were a bit reluctent to eat our food. >_<

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Amber said...

That is nasty.

I also tried to time any medications so they were most effective while I was working. That helped.

No Nyquil, though. That would be bad.


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