June 03, 2005

What is going on in the life of Amber?

I've been "putting this off"; meaning, I like to pretend that I have some kind of responsibility to periodically rattle off every event of my life during the past x days to somebody, namely, you. Why I like to pretend that anyone would be even remotely interested in the little details of my life is beyond me. But pretending I have a captive audience lets me vent in a way that isn't destructive to me or to anyone else.

And so, here's my life.

School ended. I got a 3.400 average. Combined with last semester I now have 3.477. Or is it 3.447. I can't remember and I don't really care that much. I figure as long as I have mostly A's or B's, I'm good.

My family went on vacation. Pictures are up on my website.

We came back from vacation and miraculously managed to fit ALL of my belongings in and on top of the car, even with our entire family in it, for the three hour ride home.

I spent a few days in my family's new house.

Then, almost exactly about a week ago, I moved into the Edgar's house. There was to be a sort of "try-and-get-a-job" period of two weeks, during which I would try and get a job. I was resolved to job hunt in Fairwood the day after I arrived - all day - but amazingly, I got a job at the first place I filled out an application. I didn't really want to work there but I also knew I was desperate and I knew God wouldn't give me the job unless he wanted me to have it. Subway. Yes, I work and Subway now and I don't even care if it's fast food and it's not a "great" job. I like it, okay?! Yes! I do like making sandwiches for people! I like the people I work with!

Want to know how I got the job, Imaginary Captivated Audience? I asked for an application. Went over to Safeway and filled it out and went back to Subway. I knew my plan of action - fill out and turn in five applications, go to the library to cool off and read for an hour (it was a 90 degree day), fill out and turn in five more applications, check back at all the places I was calling during the last month, etc. Go home exhausted.

God is good though! I mean, he could have had me follow that plan and exhaust myself walking around Fairwood but he didn't! I filled out the app and was going to turn it in to some unofficial looking guy, but he called the owner of the store who happened to be there and the owner took it instead. Then he sat me down, told me how important customer service was, and said "I'll take you." I didn't even really have an "interview." It was so quick and informal and laid back. That's not always a good thing, and I was kind of worried about it, but it did get me a job fast, which was what I really wanted.

There's been a few frustrations so far. The guy I work with and the owner are both Indian and it can be difficult to understand them. It's not a very "nice" store. For one thing, in the women's bathroom the toilet handle falls off if you push it the wrong way, and the door doesn't close unless you know the trick to closing it. And some stuff is just always dirty and I wonder if they ever clean it and if I"ll ever get a chance to because it's DISGUSTING. The guy I work with may or may not enjoy my company more than I would wish he would. I'm inclined to think he's just a lonely Indian guy away from his home country and that may very well be true, but some friends are cautioning me that he wants more than a friendship.

I used to think anyone ever "liking" me in that way was impossible. One exception this last semester made me think it was just an exception because this guy was truly weird. But this...I don't know. I told Raedeana that he wanted to go have coffee with me and she said I ought to say "Sounds great! I'll bring a friend" and then bring Josh. And however funny that would be, I don't think it would be kind because I know part of the reason he wants to get to know me is that he doesn't have friends! I once said something like "oh, but you have friends in your ESL classes, don't you?" and he said "Um, they're all either Japanese or Hispanic. I need some English speaking friends."

So. But I like him, he's nice. I was most impressed yesterday when he dropped a 50 pound box of frozen bread on his finger and he didn't cuss or anything. He was obviously in pain but all he did was slash the box with the knive because he was so mad. And he didn't swear or anything! Probably not for lack of knowing swear words; the other employees seem to have somewhat foul mouths.

I think it's good that I'm there though, because with two Indian guys who don't speak or understand English very well it's sometimes good to have a native English speaker present. Rude people have trouble putting up with accents, it seems. Today this girl and guy came in together and they were talking at the same time about what sandwiches they wanted, and what sandwiches they didn't want, and what the other person wanted or didn't want, and they were yelling. Poor Jesse got out some bread for the girl and she started yelling "I don't want that bread! No! Not a six inch! Gosh, these people!" So I started helping and the girl was like "Okay, I want her to make my sandwich." So I did. And she said to her boyfriend, "We're going to give her a round of applause when she's done." That was stupid. It made me mad, not because she was being nice to me, but because she was rude to my coworker.


I ride my bike to work. Someday soon my new stamina, improved endurance, and better toned muscles should arrive in the mail.

I wanted to hang out with becca tonight but she's gone. So I'm hanging out with my computer instead. Sad, I know.

My dad got me some more memory for my computer as a birthday present.

I've read Isaiah twice of the 10 times I plan to this summer. I'm behind a lot; I should be at 3 as of today.

I'm playing piano at church on Sunday since becca will be gone. It's so nice to be back.

Okay, that's all.


At 5:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite line: "I ride my bike to work. Someday soon my new stamina, improved endurance, and better toned muscles should arrive in the mail."

Anyway, the swearing thing is interesting. I think what you do when you get hurt must be a sort of learned reflex; or maybe it's related to being mad as you suggest. When I get hurt I don't feel the least urge to swear: I only say "ow" (or scream it if it's particularly excruciating--e.g., bumping my head on a too-low air duct in our basement; I've done this more times than I care to recollect). But maybe that's only because I'm not angry, just in pain, because sometimes when I'm really mad at people I do, shamefully, want to swear...

Another possibility is that most people have developed anger as a coping mechanism for pain that helps them forget about the pain.

I wanted to read through Isaiah but I don't think I got through it even once (except on the Bible-in-a-year plan).

I feel like urging you to have a good summer.

If I were in your situation with the coworker, I think I might be upset for my own sake rather than the coworker's; I have a tendancy to feel uncomfortable when people prefer me over others.

Cleaning should be part of customer service; customers notice things like that, but maybe they aren't as inclined to remember a clean bathroom as a dirty one.

Be blessed :)


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