January 05, 2005

Now I am posting because I'm waiting for Heidi so I can take her to Grandma's, come back, and then leave for school. At the moment, all of my belongings are in boxes with papers taped on the top that say "If you can't read this text, please flip the box over. THIS SIDE UP" which I thought was rather ingenious of me. Is that how you spell it? Ingeneous. Looks like igneous. Igneous, and what are the other two types? Metamorphic and sedementary? Hm.

As I was saying, all my belongings are either taped into five of those boxes stacked in the closet of my now-completely-empty room, stuffed into boxes and bags and random containers awaiting a journey back to school, or stuffed into former Tiffany's closet at school. I cannot at this moment explain why there are stuff in boxes because it's a big family secret.

So, this is great. Here's what'll happen this evening. I get to school, we unload my stuff, then Mom and I eat in the cafeteria (or hopefully elsewhere so I can taste good food for the last time in three months!) Mom leaves to spend the night at Aunt Carol's, and I open The Closet.

This closet, as I mentioned, used to be Tiffany's closet until Tiffany moved out. Tiffany moved out after I left, which meant that I had to move my stuff in while she was still in there. As I've talked about before. So, she cleaned out her closet and I stuffed pretty much all my belongings into there. By handfuls. And when I open the closet, it will all come flying out and I'll have to find some way to make all my belongings fit into half a room where formerly they were in a whole room. Compared to most people at school I don't have a lot of stuff, but I still have enough to be a big pain to move around.

I think it's because of my bedstuff. I have an obsession with blankets and pillows, and lots of them. I do have lots of them. I like taking a long time making my bed in the morning and making it look nice. I think...yes! I even have a stuffed bear. Becca gave it to me one Christmas...three Christmases ago I think. She then informed me she'd randomly pulled it out of some free box and said "hm, I'll give this to Amber" but that's okay, I still love her and I still love the as yet unnamed bear. I used to have a white bear with a button that said "gund" on it. I wonder if it came from Germany. It seems like a German word.


Guess what I'm doing when I get there, besides unpacking and buying my books because classes start tomorrow?

I forget.

No wait, I remember!

This might happen sometime tomorrow too, but I'm going to the pharmacy and Safeway to get the following items:

lemon juice
cough drops
sore throat spray
nasal decongestant
lotion Kleenex, four boxes
hand sanitizer

I will keep these items in a box with a label on it. I'm nearly over the worst of my cold, but I want to have the stuff for next time someone gets sick because inevitably once people learn you have medicine, you become the pharmacist. And I like to be nice and have medicine and comfort items available. If a close friend gets sick, I might even invest in tomato soup and milk. When I was little it was my dream to be a nurse. I think it's because I like taking care of people. I like bossing people and telling them to take medicine or rest. However, I couldn't be a nurse because I don't like math and I don't want to stick needles into people and now that I'm older I hear awful things about the occupation "registered nurse" and the bad hours and treatment and stuff. It doesn't help that I live near the worst hospital on the planet.

Ugh, is Heidi ready yet?

She keeps saying "almost."

it's been nearly twenty minutes.


Well, I guess the later we leave, (i'm trying to think of something positive here), the more likely it is that dinner time will approach on the way down and we can stop at a nice restaurant to eat.

Like RibEye. I've only eaten there once, on the way to Cannon Beach, and every time I see it I want to eat there and sit at the same table as I did four/five years ago when we were there last.

It's right next to a Mcdonalds. That's the same McD's we stopped at once on the way back from CB so Mel could use the bathroom. I got coffee. I went in with bare feet. I remember that, wondering if anyone would notice that I didn't have shoes on because it just felt weird to be in a public place without shoes on. It was cold and my feet were cold but I enjoyed looking around seeing if anyone would notice that I had no shoes on. I almost wanted to be kicked out of the restaurant.

Maybe I had socks on...

maybe it was summer and I wasn't cold. Maybe I'm just cold now so I think I was then.

Except I'm not cold now.

Isn't Heidi ready yet?

she's all mad at me now because I keep asking her. I'm the one who has a right to be mad.



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