December 26, 2004

Part of the reason Amber and I started this blog was so we could model our perfect friendship to those of you who long to have the same fulfillment in your life.

So, let me give you a few pointers on being good friends.

#1. Drink tea.
- tea makes everything better. Whenever one of us (when I say "us," I'll be refering to amber and I), are having a bad day, the other can say "would you like to come over and have some tea?" It is an instant cure. Just the invitation in itself makes the day end better, and there always seems to be the right selection of tea. Even on Christmas!

#2. Always have extra drawsting pajama pants and socks available.
- spontaneous "want to spend the night?" nights always end up happening. Drawstring is emphasised because they're adjustable. And I forget to put on socks all the time, so make sure you have some to offer.

#3. Have the same favorite movies.
- when amber and I first met, we found that we didn't like the same movies. She thought all the ones I told her were good, were stupid. I don't remember what I thought about some of the movies she spoke of. But now we both like a good deal of the same movies. Always important for when you have nothing better to do. And make sure you laugh a lot and make stupid jokes. I'll cover that in the next number.

#4. Tell stupid jokes.
- I don't know how many conversations amber and I have had on stupid jokes. We used to sit and make up these horribly contrived puns and just laugh our heads off about it. I know, so juvenile. I'm not ashamed of it! What's red and looks like a bucket? A red bucket! Although, that one there was more of Amber's jokes than mine. Be considerate of that. Don't steal your friend's joke. You can tell it to people outside of their circle of friends, but make sure that you don't go around telling it within.

#5. Crochet.
- Amber taught me how to crochet, and we crocheted hats until her closet was full. Actually, not everyone should crochet. OTherwise we'll never be able to get rid of those hats.

Amber, you'll have to write a few of these. This lesson is over.

Ah, I love mary poppins. You were just talking about it the other day, amber. I haven't seen it in so long. But kaitie is watching it. I don't really want to stay up much longer, but I do want to hear the tuppence song.



At 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet deal.


At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woah, before I even read this post, I was going to call you and tell you I seriously need a cup of tea highly saturated with your presence. I am officially having a not fun day (read my Heidi-Hate post). Then I remembered that you were at work so I'm just going to call you tonight.



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