December 23, 2004

I haven't posted much lately.

At least, not in comparison to amber.

Hmm. Now, what do I have to say that's of any interest?

My books for winter quarter are going to be expensive. Not my french books. Well, one french book. The other ones I found for under two dollars.

Biology alone will be almost 150 dollars.


my mom is on a cleaning rampage. We got off of work and school for the holidays and just want to veg. She wants to clean.

Last night, we went caroling.

It was different than the last two years. I still had a fairly good time, but it was different.
I don't think we sounded as good. I know last year I didn't add anything to it, because my voice was gone. Maybe for the better. But we had hardly any women voices. It didn't sound very good to me at all. And it was really cold. We had a different group of people.

I think my family can be a little overwhelming at times. We had a friend over who I hadn't seen in a while. It's had to try and talk to everyone. I felt like I should be giving everyone all my attention, and there were only a few people over! Perhaps it feels like more with all of my siblings there as well. Because the last book I read was a Jane Austen novel, I'm going to refer to it. Evenings liket hat happen so often in Jane Austen. People are always calling on eachother and end up spending all night simply hanging out. But, as much as I enjoy being around people, I don't think I could handle doing something like that every other night.

On the upside, I did make two beautiful pies, and we did get free cookies and candy canes. And the mailbox was put up.

Oh the mailbox! For christmas, I bought my mom a new mailbox. Then Josh spent a few hours trying to put it up. ha.

I fell asleep to "I, robot." I had never heard of it before, and I don't know how it ends. I woke up at 2:30am, with kaitie leaning against my mom, and I leaning against kaitie. I got up and went to bed. I haven't slept that deep for a while. I woke up at 10:20 (8 hours isn't bad) thinking it would be like 8. I haven't even slept in until even 9 in a long time! It was great.

so I don't have anything else to say. I'm supposed to go take amber a few movies because she's bored and on pain killers, but I haven't left yet.

I don't have socks on.



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