December 20, 2004

I'm home!

I pretty much spent Friday night, all day Saturday, and all day Sunday with becca and her family.

Friday night was especially fun. We put on extended Lord of the Rings and about halfway through, becca and I both had coffee. I got really jittery and wasn't in a dark enough mood to watch Lord of the Rings, and she was jittery too so we only really watched the first half. Four and a half hours is a little long for a movie straight through anyway. That's only half an hour shorter than all of Pride and Prejudice, and we'd never think of watching that in one shot! Then we watched Mulan.

I spent Friday night at their house, and Saturday morning we went to my house for biscuits and gravy. Then we were going to go on a walk but instead she had to go to the church to drop something else, so I took her, and we hung out there watching the kid's Christmas play rehearsal, and then we went to her house and watched Newsies. Then becca left for work and kaitie and heidi and I watched Secondhand Lions (it was my first time seeing it, and I didn't really like it - I mean, I didn't not like it, but it was just...I think part of it might have been watching it after seeing such a well put together movie like Newsies and then watching a movie that seemed kind of thrown together.) Then I went home for a couple hours and we were going to go see the Spongebob movie but there were no more showings so we were going to see Series of Unfortunate Events but the coupons for the tickets weren't good or something so I just went over to their house anyway and...I can't remember what we did. Oh yes, we did not watch a movie. I sat in becca's room, we drank tea.

Okay, finally I have something interesting to say. Being a starving college student, I rarely buy tea anymore. I have some cheap ungood stuff, but I ran out of the good stuff months ago. Anyway, becca had one packet of Stash blueberry which I happen to consider "good stuff" and since I'm on herbal and green till January 20, I got all excited and asked her if I could have it. She said I could. While the water was heating up, I was reading parts of Anne of Green Gables.

Then when the water was hot, I decided to have another kind of tea instead and have bluberry after that. But when the time came, I couldn't find my blueberry tea bag! becca and I looked everywhere. In fact, just to show you what a great friend she is, I'll tell you that when I left to go to the bathroom, I came back to her looking under her bed and saying "I can't believe it just disappeared! I looked in the garbage, I unfolded the stack of sweaters in my bed and shook them all out, I looked under everything in your five-foot vicinity - where is it?"

I told her it wasn't a big deal. She kept looking. She didn't find it. We gave up the search.

Much later, we were talking. The missing tea bag was hammering the back of my brain and I absentmindedly looked around once again to find a place I hadn't yet looked. I picked up the Anne of Green Gables book and thumbed through it one page at a time while listening to becca.

Suddenly, THERE IT WAS! We both started cracking up. I had my tea. The end.

I guess that wasn't very interesting, just a deviation from the normal.

Then I went home that Saturday night.

Sunday morning I wrote music for "Feliz Navidad" for chimes, since we would be geeting together as a chime group after church just like we used to all the time. Feliz Navidad was the chime joke - the song we were always trying to work out but the song that would sound awful attempted on chimes. So I wrote music to it so we could play it.

The purpose of me saying all this boring stuff is just so I can come back next year and have a host of memories. I am now going to nearly eliminate the word "I" from the following diary entries.

Went to church. Got coffee with becca. Reminisced about several inside jokes, such as the following:

She's not really talking about the guy - she's talking about herself.
...because "I"m going into the house" REALLY means "I'm going behind the tree."
Kaitie the cow.
Squirrels don't back down trees (probably the original inside joke)

The coffee was good. Thanks for paying, becca.

Children's play was all right. Didn't hear the sermon - went downstairs to watch the children's puppet show. Had chimes, it was great. Sang a few worship songs. Michael made me promise to have a "game/music" night sometime while I'm home. I can't wait.

Babysat with becca for Debbi in Issaquah. Weren't really expecting money - thought it was just a random "since you're in the neighborhood" favor. Got paid 30 dollars. Decided to use it to go see Series of Unfortunate Events that evening. Dropped becca off at work. Went home.

That night, Mason, Josh, becca, Kaitie, Heidi, Tiffany, and I all went to see Series of Unfortunate events. It was GREAT! I sure loved it. I mean, it's not something I'm going to use my last nine dollars to see again (I remember when evening shows were 6.50...bleah. That's sixty-three dollars that were spent on all of us last night, just to see a movie. I'm thinking of swearing off theater movies forever and just waiting till they come out on dvd.) But it was a good movie. I liked it. I liked the first book (that was all I read) too, so I thought I'd like the movie, and I did. Okay.

I went to bed at 2 am and this morning I woke up at 10. It is now 2 pm and I have had nothing to eat except three cookies. I'm waiting for my mom to come home from shopping - she's been out four hours - and I'm hoping she brings bagels. I have a headache, my stomach hurts, and I don't feel good overall. I want to eat a bagel and then I will go to the library.

Phew! Okay, now that my weekend is documented I don't have to worry about forgetting any of it.



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