December 07, 2004

I have a report to make. The fried ice cream didn't work.

I heated up the oil until it seemed hot enough. Then I dumped in a ball of ice cream rolled in crushed cornflakes and cinnamon.

The oil immediately exploded into froth, pouring down the sides of the pan. I pulled it off the burner right away, where it proceeded to spread all over the stove. Then the burner made that "woof" sound that things make when they burst into flame after you pour gasoline on them, and it proceeded to burst into flame. I turned it off and it was still on fire so I put a teakettle on top of it. Then I turned on the fan. One of my friends sat on the couch - she had been reading her Bible, and she just sat there gaping.

No, I didn't get in trouble. Shortly after, the RD came in because her room is right across from the kitchen, and she was like "Um, what happened here?" I told her and she thought it was so funny.

The unfunny part is that I now have a gallon of oil, a box of cornflakes, a thing of cinnamon, and half a gallon of ice cream to consume or do something with in the next week and a half, and I don't really want to deal with any of it (except maybe the ice cream.) I also do not have a project for Spanish tomorrow, nor a paper written in Spanish about it, nor my paper for English ready.

Tonight will be long.

I want some black tea.


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Joshua said...

Hahaaaaaa... that's so great. Have you looked up any recipes online for how to make fried ice cream? There's probably a way to do it without the stove catching on fire, you know...

At 11:44 AM, Blogger becconing amberlance said...

The reason it didn't work was because the oil was too hot. It's supposed to be 350 degrees. I have no candy thermometer, and thus no way of judging how hot the oil is. I'm making a confetti egg instead. I think it's great how I've had all semester to do this "really big" project, and I'm doing it in the last hour I have before class. I wouldn't do it if I didn't think I could get away with it, really.



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