January 18, 2006

Hi. I didn't really have a purpose for typing on here, but this is the first time so far I've had the exact amount of time to do something like this in, and nothing else.

I've been pretty good about getting ahead of things. I've been pretty good at making sure every minute, pretty much, is productive. I'm realizing that "not getting enough sleep" isn't the only reason to feel tired. I've been (very carefully) getting roughly 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night, but I think that because I am so constantly doing things, it just makes a person more tired.

I get to sleep in tomorrow, though.

I was running a little bit every morning! But I'm still sick, so now I'm not running, at least until my cough goes away, because running makes it worse. I walk to work and class and stuff, so that's good exercise.

I had choir today for the first time, but I pretty much couldn't sing at all because of my cough/throat/sickness thing.

Ho hum. I've never said that before. There's not much going on. I'm listening to music, and I'll leave for work in 8 minutes. Half an hour just didn't seem the right amount of time to do anything in. I've cleaned up and organized a lot of my room, so I didn't really want to do that, or start on some homework project. Or take a nap, because it would feel too mean to my body to get up after that much time.

Seven minutes.

Surely I could think of something to do in this period of time!

But I don't feel terribly compelled to. I can have half an hour of free reign, can't I? I've spent the last week in such diligence. Following my schedules, accomplishing the things I set out to do, and still having time for friends and talking with God. I don't need to feel guilty for a little bit of unproductivity. I deserve it.

I don't feel guilty!

I'll go now.



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