June 12, 2005

Just so everyone knows, I have great parents. In fact, they were great my entire life - when I was homeschooling, and now when I'm not. Maybe they're terrible parents to Heidi and great parents to me.

Or maybe it's a matter of perspective.

That's all.

On a less frustrated note, yesterday the 6'4" grand piano came. It's beautiful; I'll have to put up my newest batch of photos. It's a lot of fun to play. As soon as I get my voice back I'll sing to it too. Not being able to sing forced me to work on my note reading skills a little bit today; or rather, to figure out how little I really do know. It's sad! Sigh.

I've been hungry all day. I didn't really eat lunch or anything since then, but I've had crackers on and off to stave off the worst hunger pangs.

I got a bad migraine today, too. Bleah. The not being able to see part of it lasted for longer than normal. The headache was bad bad bad. The nausea was bad. The worst is over though. I'm kind of tired.

I can't even imagine how boring this is for you to read.


At 8:20 PM, Blogger becca said...

Amber, just so you know, I LOVE YOU! Even when you have bad days or you write about boring things which really aren't THAT boring, you're still my best friend. =D

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Amber said...


becca is my bestest friend!!!!



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