February 15, 2005

I don't understand. I'm ready to go sit somewhere and cry for an hour. Out of all the ways to spend my time right now, that may be the most constructive.

This morning started perfectly. Really, I couldn't ask for a better morning. I got the perfect amount of sleep, I actually ate breakfast, I even read my bible for a while! Tons of leisure time before I had to head off to school. And then what? Nothing, really. I was confident about my test, voice was fun as always, and it's sunny out. I've been happy all day. At least, until 2:30PM. What happened? I lost my keys. I've retraced all my steps at least a dozen times. I've asked every cashier on campus and I've pestered lost and found enough to make them almost start having some pity for me. I even had a safety guard dig through a garbage can. I've been directed and redirected from one personel to another. hum! I'm still here, 2 hours later. If only I had locked them in my car! Then I could just get the safety guys to pick the lock. But, no. I have no idea where I left them! Not in the least! hum...

Most of my schoolbooks are locked in my car, too.

Things like this happen. I can't say I'm particularly stressed. I mean, it'll all pass and yo, I'll get new keys, maybe someone will turn in mine, I'll get over it, life goes on. So, really, I'm not immensely worried about it. I'm just sorry that it happened at all. I've wasted time, and I've wasted other people's time. Now my mom has to leave work early to come pick me up. Although, I'm happy for that, because I've really been wanting to leave school for a while. I'm so tired of all the unfriendly concrete! The round abouts! The "thank you for keeping our campus beautiful" signs! Oh! And I can't forget all of the psychology 101 students asking me to fill out surveys!


What a day.

I feel better now, though. I suppose just giving in and moping around has helped. I was getting tired of looking everywhere and not finding anything. Every time I've lost something like this, I've always found it immediately after. Not this time.

That's okay though, I've decided that it's not a big deal. It's irritating, because I have to get new car keys, new work keys, and a new key to the house. But, that's my own fault, and that's that.

I'm not sure. It was, obviously, highly irresponsible of me to lose my keys like that. But, in the big picture, will it matter? I'm sure from now on, I'll be much more attentive to that area. I mean, I never knew I should be before, because nothing negative had ever happened regarding where I kept my keys.

Maybe someone will turn them in, yet.

I wonder if they'll tow my car if I leave it here overnight. hmm.

I'm going to go find a place to sit and read. I'm so tired of this! I'm actually much happier now though. There's nothing to really be mad about. I've already stopped thinking about it.

woo! haha.

I think I'm going to go break into my car and get my books out. Then I'll make sure that my car won't get towed.



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