February 10, 2005

amber must've died. There is no other good reason for not posting anything on here. Well, maybe there is. Maybe there are. Hey, is the missions conference thing this week? Maybe she's at that all day. Or is that next week? Dates are the hardest thing for me to remember. Actually, I just never have one. ba boom cha.

I've run out of things to study! I have one hour until my next class and I don't know what to do in the mean time. I did all my french homework, I ran over my vocabulary words, I even practiced my sentence structures and reviewed the months and days of the week! I studied for my biology test, I studied for biblequizzing...I did my rhythm sheets fast. I don't think it's possible for me to study anymore. really. I don't. But, I don't know what else to do. Well, I suppose I ended up walking over to the computer and writing about how I don't know what to do.

It's sunny out again! The entire time I was at work yesterday, I was thinking about how I wanted to take a moderate-in-length walk along the trail by my house. Unfortunately, I didn't get out of work until 4:30, and it was already getting dark by the time I finally got home. Maybe I would've gotten done quicker if I hadn't been thinking about how pleasant my afternoon could be. Ah well. Maybe today! I'll get home be home by three, and it's a little warmer out today than it was yesterday.
Walks are always more enjoyable with company. But, I don't know many people who like to take spontaneously walks. At least, I don't know if many of the people I know like to go on spontaneous walks. Especially when I don't know how long they'll last.

Amber does, but she's not here. Amber could be stuck in some well out in the forest with two sprained ankles for all I know. I suppose that could be a good reason for not posting on here. Or maybe the fact that other people are waiting to use the computers and all I'm doing is writing about nothing when they probably have academic-type things to look up.


I'm going to go, because someone just got in line. Ha, I'm going to be courteous!




At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm alive, I think. I even emailed you a lousy excuse for an email. I've had an odd few days when I don't really feel like talking to anyone about myself at all. I seriously haven't talked to anyone. it'sweird! Someone I hadn't seen in a while just said hi to me and asked me about my life and all I could say was "it's great! really!" Pathetic. Anyway, I'll probably be in shape by the time I come next Wednesday (the...17th!) I got my train tickets in the mail today!

a reason I've been antisocial is that I've been trying to crack down on my schoolwork. So that takes time, and whenever I do have time, I can't think of anything but what I should be doing. Pathetic attitude, I know, but it does get work done.

=D today is really sunny. And nice. I've made a decision to walk slowly on sunny days and allow ten minutes instead of five to get to each class.


At 12:09 PM, Blogger Sir Brian The Manly said...

When I walk somewhere it's usually spontanious(sp?)

At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's an e.


Well, that's one more person to check off my list...:|



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