February 04, 2005

SO, you are coming back! 13 days...what day is that? Is that a thursday? Thursday the...17th? I don't even know what the day is today. Wait, how could that be a thursday? Isn't it a friday today? Wait...maybe that is a thursday. gaah. hey. I didn't capitalize any of those days, save the one I started a sentence with. HEY. That's exciting! Not that I didn't capitalize the letters, but that you're coming back! We'll do something really fun! I'm assuming you'll be here on a saturday. REALLY fun. I'll think of something. And then I'll tell you...when I think of it. Is that the weekend of the quiz meet? I hope not. You never called me yesterday. But I never called you. I didn't get the memo until today though. I guess yesterday was kind of busy anyway. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? Today isn't!

I am absolutely determined to have a wonderful day today. So far, it's working, but then again, I've only been up for an hour or two.

I don't have to go to school today! I'm going to go study though. Then I can do things like play music and dare I say it? Read! wow. What a luxury!



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