February 04, 2006

Hi! I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy, but it's been good.

I am way ahead on homework, so much that my friends hate me. Basically, I'm keeping way more organized, and if there's something that can be done all at once for a class (like reading a book that has a chapter due every week) I'm doing it all at once so I don't have to worry about it. It's nice. My classes this semester are:

Text and Canon
American Literature
Western Civilization
Private Voice

This adds up to 15 credits.

Work: Most of the unpleasant people I worked with quit, got fired, or went to jail. We got a new full time manager. I don't like him very much, and he doesn't wear deoderant. He's very arrogant. -_-

The weather here can't make up its mind. February 1st was extremely mild and sunny. People were already wearing T-shirts and playing frisbee outside on the lawn. February 2nd was cold again. February 3rd was slightly warmer, so that I could be outside in a T-shirt last night and not get too cold (it was even a little bit humid). Then, without warning, last night around 10, wind started blowing, and suddenly we got a hailstorm. Then the rain was blowing in so hard that I got wet through the window I'd opened so I could hear the storm, even though the blinds were closed over it. This morning, everything is extremely foggy and windy. I'm kind of hoping the wind will continue until it blows some warm weather in.

My Gospels professor mentioned the other day that encouragement is not something Christians do well. Why don't we commend other Christians for using well the gifts God gave them? Because we're jealous. How pathetically sad.

That's all for now, I guess.


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