June 24, 2005


I was so mad this morning, I could have cried. But then I got to work and three new people were being trained at the same time, which meant they were handling all the sandwich-making, under G's supervision, and I was just in the back talking to Meagan and pretending to wash dishes.

I took a stand today. I said, "G, I need to talk to you." and we went outside. I took out my sheet of paper and said, "This isn't working for me. First of all, when I don't find out that I'm working on a certain day until the day before, it makes it very difficult to schedule anything for that day, and I always have to keep it open for work." He said, "But you know, if I make up a schedule after you leave work I will call you and tell you what time you're working the next day!" And I said, "Yes, but that's not really helpful because it's still the day before" and he said "Oh, yes, okay" and that was k ind of the end of that. I don't think anything will happen there, but at least he knows my frustration.

Then I said, "Okay. Now, my schedule. Today, I work three hours. Tomorrow, I work ten hours. And Sunday - " but he cut me off. He looked completely surprised. "Ten hours tomorrow?!" he said. "Let's look at the schedule."

So we went inside and he looked at it and muttered, "I'll change that." I was hopeful, but not expecting much. That seemed to be the end of things, right there. I was glad that I hadn't quit, glad that I felt semi-resolved, glad that he hadn't fired me, and just glad that nobody was mad at me.

The next thing I know, he's saying, "Amber? Okay, you're off Saturday and Sunday, okay?" I could NOT believe it! I was actually really really really happy. I mean, I know that I shouldn't be as happy as I am for missing 19.5 hours of work in two days, but I did NOT want to spend my weekend like that!

And he said I'm ready for a "straight schedule" which I think means "semi-consistent." Supposedly I'll get that next week. I'll believe it when I see it. And it'll be straightforward and predictable.

Oh, something else I complained about. I got no day off this week. I pointed that out to him as we looked at the schedule. He pointed to Wednesday. "You got Wednesday off though, because you were on call and you didn't get called in!" I said, "My family lives half an hour away. If I wanted to visit them on my day off, I couldn't, because I might get called in. Instead, I had to stay here in case I got called in. That was not a day off." And here's what he said: "Hm. You have a point."

The guy is not malicious. He's forgetful, he's bad at running his business, etc. But he has a good heart.

I feel somewhat resolved now. I feel better.

Oh, I went to the doctor to find out why I've been sick for three weeks. She said I have allergies and I got some medicine prescribed. I took it. Nothing's happened yet. Weird that I have allergies, though. I don't think I've ever been allergic to anything before. My mom and sister are the ones who are allergic to everything.

And guess what! When becca came to pick me up this morning, I got in the car and she handed me a steaming homemade latte! Just because she knows I like them! I hadn't even asked her for one! But she brought me one! Isn't that so nice? I nearly died!

Sorry for talking so much about work; it's kind of my life now. At least, the only non-becca interesting thing that happens in my life, and it's something to talk about.

Today, three people were trained. It got so crowded up front. Me, the owner, two co-workers and three trainees made for seven people up front total. It was crowded; you could hardly do anything. I was almost relieved when one of the trainees somehow cut his finger badly and ended up getting sent home. After a while, G said to me, "You know, if you get sick or something you can go home" and I said "I'm fine, thanks." An hour later he said "You can go home. We have too many people here." I didn't argue; I went!

The two girls who were brand new today, I felt so sorry for them. I remember what my first day was like. My "training" somehow skipped a few crucial steps and when I didn't follow these things, people got mad at me for not knowing. I was learning a million new things and was overwhelmed, and nobody seemed to care, and I nearly cried. These girls were in exactly the same situation. I think I did a pretty good job of being the person I wish had been around on my first day. They were awfully sweet. I will definitely have fun working with them.

Anyway. I have typed a lot today. I read through my earlier post and I was like "woah, anyone who has the patience to read through that thing must have a goal to read 1000 boring items in one year." But haha! I had a good day!


At 11:01 PM, Blogger tyrone said...

Oh, good.  I feel much better now.

At 5:08 PM, Blogger Sir Brian The Manly said...

wow your brave, heh. good thing your boss is a nice guy.

you probably don't have allergies, she probably just gave you some fake stuff to make you think you feel better or something. err... j/k. ^_^

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Amber said...

I think that's called "illegal!"


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