June 15, 2005


I feel inspired to write something after reading amber's fond memory post. I smiled the entire time. Nearly laughed! But, I am at the library, so I didn't, even though I've been laughing a lot lately. I'm printing out my english portfolio. Well, that's the main reason I'm here, but I also decided to look at this, and now I'm saying something.

I can't believe you mentioned that movie. haha. We have done so many absolutely ridiculous things.

Here's something you can know about amber and I. We have a sense of humor. That's right. It may not be anything like your sense of humor, but we have it, and it has a lot to do with why we hang out so much. The first day I met amber, our family went to their house for baked potatoes. when I got there, Mrs. M (Amber's mom, not mine) greeted me and called amber saying, "becca's here!" We didn't really say anything other than "Hi." Then Amber said something like, "want to see my room? I cleaned it." So we went to her room and talked a little - I don't know what about. Later we ate potatoes and amber ate hers faster than mine and then we went for a walk and told each other jokes. She didn't get a couple of mine so I wasn't too sure about her. But in the end, it was okay.

I was 14 then! wow. Kaitie must've been like 11. Of course, it was only a few weeks before my birthday, and she took me to a Relient K concert at graceland and we had cheese and cracker snacks and they were going to make us throw them out, but the lady let us in.

Ha. Why am I writing about this? It's just fun to remember.

At any rate, we have a lot of memories of fun things. At least to us, it's interesting.

I start work today at 5! Kaitie is going to drive with me to BCC so I can use the carpool lane, then we're going to go play tennis for a little while. ha, I talk way too much. There are so many silly and pointless stories I could tell about this morning already!

But I won't, because I have much better things to do, and I don't really want to write that much.



At 4:44 PM, Blogger Amber said...

You start your job in 17 minutes!

I thought at first you wrote "Kaitie drove me to BCC" and I was like "woah, did I just miss my chance to write Katie's driving test song...?"

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A life without humour is not worth living. Laughing is medicine to the soul!

That is all.


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