June 22, 2005

I forgot about my uniform. It's drying. I leave for work in 20 minutes. I just cut, filed, washed and moisturized my nails and trimmed my cuticles. They look and feel very clean and very short.

It's time for another little snippet of "our wonderful friendship example for you to follow." As most of you know, amber and I are very good friends. Today (and yesterday) was a classic amber-becca day. What makes a becca-amber day? Well, amber and becca. It doesn't really matter what we do. We're both sick and we both have been working nights. Amber came over last night after she was off work and when I got off work, she spent the night. Of course we were both really tired and my voice was gone, but naturally, we ended up talking until about 1am.
This morning, neither of us really felt much better. My voice was even worse - really, I was hardly audible this morning. So, we had some breakfast and some homemade lattes and sat around blowing our noses and coughing while we watched the first Lord Of The Rings. Half way through we began to lose interest and just started talking.

Okay. After (pretty much) three days straight of hanging out with eachother, we STILL have things to talk about. And we can go from having the absolutely most pointless conversations and making stupid jokes and bad puns to having serious talks about things in our lives and deeper issues within seconds of each other.

So, now you know, our friendship doesn't just hang on watching movies all the time, playing checkers, drinking tea, telling jokes, and amber telling me to eat food. That may be the stuff we talk about doing a lot with other people, because that's where most of our inside jokes are and usually we're too lazy, uninventive, or tired to do anything else, but I think that this other part of our friendship is what we value most.

I'm going!



At 9:32 AM, Blogger Amber said...

Wow, becca, you're the best. I don't even know what to say! We wouldn't be best friends if you hadn't been born, so I'm glad you were! Really really glad. That's all for now, I guess.

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Sir Brian The Manly said...

Dude, I didn't know you and amber were friends! When did this start? XD


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