April 27, 2005

I'm going to say something, just because I haven't, but I'm kind of tired and out of it, so I doubt it will be very interesting. Maybe not out of it, maybe I'm just relaxed and in a quiet mood. That might be it.

I have had quite the day. Not bad, just...well, actually, it's been good, but full of stuff. I might elaborate more, but I really don't feel like typing very much right now.

It's sort of funny - I'm a fast typer, but I don't enjoy it. I enjoy writing, and being able to type fast probably enables me to like it more, but when it comes to communicating (like with email and the sort) I'd much rather just talk on the phone - or even better, in person.

I'm at the library. I've finished 38 minutes of studying, and I'm taking a short break from learning things.

I just looked to my right and discovered that there is a window there. It looks out at some branches which are bursting with white blossoms, and the sky behind is peach and blue. Ah.

Today is a good day for anything. It would be nice for a walk, a nap, studying indoors, peacefully playing piano, or watching a movie with friends. But just what am I in the mood for tonight? I'm alright with studying for a little while - which is good, because I need to get it done. I've been procrastinating a little too much for my taste lately.

Ah. I want to go watch the sunset and then play piano for a little while. And sing. I don't think I've sung very much lately. I want to sing.



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