April 08, 2005

I've been smiling for two days straight; I think I'm back to normal.

WELL, maybe that's not normal, but I'm happy!

I really should not write too much about my glorious past few days - I have so many other writing assignments to do - but, there's need for a fresh post.

I called amber on wednesday night, and we had the most perfect conversation. I wouldn't be able to tell you anything about what we talked about - we cover a lot in 2 hours. But, there's a certain quality in our 'classic' amber/becca conversations that isn't generated from anything else; it was exactly what I needed. I love you amber! amber is coolen ban u!

I did it. I tasted sushi. I think I'll share my impressions on that at a later time.

Kaitie and I are having a day tomorrow! We're going to go play tennis, and I'm taking her shopping for something specific. I guess she doesn't want to go to IKEA anymore.

I'm also going to experiment with a green-tea chocolate cake for her b'day cake. It might be really good, but you'll never know unless you happen to receive an invite.

I'm really sleepy. I'm planning on going to bed a reasonably early hour tonight. I've been going to bed much too late for my own good. This either results in a) waking up early and being sleepy all day, or b) sleeping in and getting a bad start on the day. Neither one work for me. I like to go to bed early enough that I can wake up early and still feel rested. Sometimes it's okay to just take a nap in the afternoon. I really like afternoon naps, but I can't always justify them.


I promised that I would work on mycology assignments for the next 20 minutes before I fall asleep.

hahaha. I'm tired, but really. I'm happy.



At 1:50 AM, Blogger Kaits said...

Hahaha! You and mom cringed when I ate the octopus and the eel! :D It was soo good. And the something specific is jeans.

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Sir Brian The Manly said...

I went to the Renton Ikea once. I was there most of the day. But I didn't see you. So sad.


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