March 02, 2006

I didn't realize until lately how much I love to sit down with a person and just hear all about their life. Whether it's a girl crying about a boy, or someone with a big dream and a life plan, or somebody whose been learning something amazing in their classes, or a coworker of mine or a person ordering a sandwich (though usually I am not able to actually sit down and talk with them) - I love to just listen to people's stories. I love to hear about events in their lives, and their interpretations of those events, and how those events made them into the kinds of people they are now.

I've always known I'm a one-on-one person, more than a group person, but I never realized till now how much I really enjoy just having a really good conversation. It perks up my whole day.

On another note, I haven't gone out at all for a long time. My friends have all been busy with homework and stuff. Normally we watch a movie or go out to dinner or something pretty often, but everybody's busy. I didn't even go to church on Sunday because the girl who drives me was ill, and I didn't go to Frank and Penni's either because they were also sick and they also had something else going on. I feel like work is my only escape, as of late.

Like, right now I'm done with classes for today, and I'm not working tonight - in fact, I have absolutely nothing planned for tonight. I have nothing to do. I'm bored! In fifty minutes I can go to the cafeteria for dinner, and I'll probably hang around there and find somebody to talk with (how pathetic!) and come back and read or make tea or check my email for the zillionth time today...gah.


Edit: ten minutes later

So, I looked at the clock and discovered that I have approximately seven hours to find some way to occupy before I go to bed. Considering how bored I am now, I thought I'd be downright depressed if I just moped around for seven hours! So I called Laine, and tonight I'm going over to play cards with Jess Parsins and them, and Jess was really excited because she loves to play cards and I do too.

So, now I'm glad. Only an hour and a half to go, and I can eat dinner for most of that!


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