November 03, 2005

hellloooo amber - those pictures are crazy. You better not wear make-up like that at my funeral.

I went to the Museum of Flight with my family tonight. It was a free night and matt had never been. I haven't been there since I was really little. It was fun, but I'm tired. Kaitie and I danced in the holocaust street in the WWI exhibit. I saw the wooden floor and without a word, we both knew what to do. People came up and started watching us - it was kind of funny. Josh wouldn't dance with me though. He said he didn't like it. How can you not like dancing? It doesn't matter if you're not good. I'm not any good at all. But when there's a dance floor, it just seems so natural to take a chance, grab a hand, and make a step.
I could've made that rhyme. "...take a chance, grab a hand, and start to dance." Oh well.

I don't really know what else to talk about. hum. I'm tired and not really feeling all that great.

I think I'm off to bed.



At 5:25 PM, Blogger Kaits said...

That was fun.

becca at the hand's on learning cetre:"Oooh, look at the little wooden planes! Let's go sit in the tower."


At 5:25 PM, Blogger Kaits said...


At 12:55 AM, Blogger Sir Brian The Manly said... rare.


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