October 23, 2005

Good Sunday morning!

I feel happy.

Though, my happiness would be much greater if it were accompanied by a cup of English Breakfast.

And perhaps a biscuit with gravy, or a couple over-easy fried eggs with hash browns, or a bowl of corn-meal-mush, or a pancake smothered with applesauce. I like breakfast. But I do have sharp cheddar cheese.

But I'm still very happy.

Last night I was walking back from the prayer chapel, and I saw a car pull up alongside slowly, and then I heard my name called. So I went over, and it was Iyesha and Joe! I hadn't seen them since last year, when they graduated, and I certainly didn't expect to randomly see them on campus! It was very, very exciting. We went out for coffee, and then up to Rocky Butte where a group of drunk teenagers threatened us (and one of them tried to attack us, but he could hardly walk straight. It was kind of scary, but Joseph was there, which was nice.) Then we went to WinCo and Joseph lent me a dollar and I bought some sharp cheddar cheese.

It was nice.

I have to go now, though.



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