September 23, 2005

I just woke up from a fun nap dream. Allow me to share.

I was at some event. A lot of people from school were there. We all sat in rows of chairs outside. We were singing choir songs as worship songs. I was sitting between two second sopranos, but suddenly I was a super high first soprano so I switched places with the one beside me. The song was really fun to sing, but the guy who was leading it had a bad attitude. After the first two verses, he said out loud, "Man, there's not very many of you here." And halfway through the third verse, he stopped singing, stopped directing, and said "That's all. There's not enough people." I was kind of disappointed that he had stopped in the middle of the song, jerk.

Then I was helping him clean in a very dark house. I kept seeing a small shadow scurrying around, and I knew it must be a squirrel, because we were in the woods. I tried to open the window to let it go out but there were screens on the window. So, finally, I went and stood by the door, flipped on a light, and knelt on the ground with my hands out. The squirrel ran across the room into my hands, shivering with fright and squirming. It had really long eyelashes. I was afraid it would bite me but it didn't. I opened the door and threw it outside, and it turned into a grandma deer. I think it had glasses. And it had on a nightgown that was half hot pink and half blue. It said in a gravelly voice, "You know, I would have stayed longer, but you don't have any butter in your house." Then it leaped away.

At this point, my phone rang and woke me up, but I didn't mind too much because it seemed like a good place to end my dream, and I had good feelings about the cute little squirrel that had run into my hands.


At 11:36 PM, Blogger Kaits said...

Gosh Amber, you've posted like three times in a row. :rolleyes:

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Amber said...

Talk to becca about that. It's her fault; I have to fill a void if she never says anything!

Or, you can post. You know our username and password.

In fact, will you please? =)

At 12:04 AM, Blogger Sir Brian The Manly said...

I'll post, I'll post! XD


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